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Object Collection

Parameter Description
Void Type(ImageObjectType)

Sets the value of the Type parameter. See Dialogs. Element properties. Object Collection. Type.


Void MinObjHeight( Distance )

See Object size. Min Height. You can use any units of measurement.


Void MaxObjHeight( Distance ) See Object size. Max Height. You can use any units of measurement.
Void MinObjWidth( Distance ) See Object size. Min Width. You can use any units of measurement.
Void MaxObjWidth( Distance ) See Object size. Max Width. You can use any units of measurement.
Void WholeWordMode ( Logic )

This flag specifies whether only whole text objects should be considered as hypotheses. When set to True, hypotheses consisting of word parts are ignored. The flag is set to False by default.

Note.Restrictions on the height and width of objects are applied to words if the flag is set to True and to characters if the flag is set to False.

Void UseRawText( Logic ) Enables the use in text searches of those unrecognized text-like objects that were assigned the type Raw Text during pre-recognition. To enable this feature, call the method with parameter True. By default, only recognized text is used in text searches (i.e. the parameter is set to False).
Void MaxXOutsidePart( Real ) Specifies the part of the object that may extend beyond the search area horizontally. The part of the character is specified by a number from 0 to 1. Those objects are included in the hypothesis that have the specified or smaller part outside the search area.
Void MaxYOutsidePart( Real ) Specifies the part of the object that may extend beyond the search area vertically. The part of the character is specified by a number from 0 to 1. Those objects are included in the hypothesis that have the specified or smaller part outside the search area.

12.04.2024 18:16:02

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