Parameter | Description |
Void MaxGapInLine( Distance ) | Sets the maximum distance between neighboring characters. |
Void MaxXOutsidePart( Real ) | Specifies the part of the character that may extend beyond the search area horizontally. The part of the character is specified by a number from 0 to 1. Those characters are included in the hypothesis that have the specified or smaller part outside the search area. |
Void MaxYOutsidePart( Real ) | Specifies the part of the character that may extend beyond the search area vertically. The part of the character is specified by a number from 0 to 1. Those characters are included in the hypothesis that have the specified or smaller part outside the search area. |
Void MaxInterlineSpace( Distance ) | The maximum distance between the lines. |
Void MaxRelativeInterlineSpace( Real ) | The maximum distance between the neighboring lines expressed as a percentage of the height of the top line. |
Void MaxLineHeightSpread( Real ) | The maximum variation in the height of the lines; calculated as the difference in height between the tallest line and the smallest line divided by the height of the tallest line. |
Void MaxLineLengthSpread( Real ) | The maximum variation in the length of the lines; calculated as the difference in length between the longest line and the shortest line divided by the length of the longest line. |
Void MinHorLineOverlap( Real ) | The minimum horizontal overlap of the neighboring lines; calculated as the length of the common segment of the lines divided by the length of the shortest line. |
Void IgnoreSeparators( Logic ) | This flag specifies whether to ignore separators during assembly of the paragraph. If the value is set to True, paragraphs that contain separators are not splitted. |
Void MinLineWidth( Distance ) | The minimum width of the line. Applies during concatenation of lines in a paragraph. Lines that do not satisfy the condition are excluded. |
Void MaxLineWidth( Distance ) | The maximum width of the line. Applies during concatenation of lines in a paragraph. Lines that do not satisfy the condition are excluded. |
Void MinLinesCount( Int ) | The minimum number of lines in the paragraph. |
Void MaxLinesCount( Int ) | The maximum number of lines in the paragraph. Applies during paragraph assembly. If the number of lines reaches the specified value, no more lines are added to the paragraph. |
Void Alignment ( TextAlignment ) |
Sets the alignment type. Applies during the check after the paragraph assembly. Paragraphs with incorrect alignment are excluded. Admissible values:
Void MaxAlignmentError( Distance ) | The admissible error of alignment. Is calculated as the difference between the maximum and minimum coordinates of the corresponding line edge (the edge is defined by the alignment type). |
Void AllowFirstLineIndent( Logic ) | Specified whether the first line indent is allowed. When set to True, the first line can be indented for the Alignment_Left, Alignment_Right and Alignment_Justified alignment types. For the Alignment_Left and Alignment_Justified types, the left indent is allowed. For Alignment_Right, the right indent is allowed. |
Void MaxFirstLineIndent( Distance ) | The maximum allowed indent of the first line. If a negative value is specified, a hanging indent is allowed. |
Void AllowLastHangingLine( Logic ) | This flag specifies whether the paragraph can end with a shorter line. When set to True, the minimum length of last line of the paragraph is not restricted. |
Void LinesCount( IntFuzzyInterval ) | The number of lines in the paragraph. |
Void FragmentWidth( IntFuzzyInterval ) | The width of the paragraph in characters. |
Void MaxLineHeight( Distance ) | The maximum height of the characters (font size). |
Void MinLineHeight( Distance ) | The minimum height of the characters (font size). |
Void MaxRelativeGapInLine( Real ) | The maximum distance between neighboring characters expressed as a percentage of the line height. |
Void AllowChoppedWords( Logic ) |
This flag specifies whether text objects which do not fit entirely within the left and right boundaries should be included into the hypothesis. E.g. |
Void MinQuality( Real ) | Sets the minimum quality of the hypothesis. |
Void FilterStamp( Logic ) | See Paragraph properties. Paragraph tab. Remove stamp. |
Void AllowedTextRotations ( TextRotations ) | Specifies a set of orientations of the recognized text in which an element search is allowed. |
4/12/2024 6:16:02 PM