English (English)

Labeled Field hypothesis

A Labeled Field element is a Group element with predefined subelements. The hypothesis for this element is generated in the same manner as for any Group element based on the hypotheses generated for its subelements. The hypothesis generated for a Labeled Field element has no specific properties. See the Hypotheses for all types of elements section for a description of the properties common to all elements.

The hypotheses generated for the subelements of this element may also be accessed. The properties of the hypothesis generated for the Label subelement are the same as the properties of a Static Text hypothesis. The hypothesis generated for the Field subelement may have the following specific properties depending on the type of content:

Field type Property Description
Any text Text The text of the hypothesis.
Currency Value The detected numerical value.
Currency name The detected currency name.
Date Day Day.
Month Month.
Year Year.
Fixed variants Keyword The words included in the hypothesis. For each word, the number of errors is indicated.
Number Text The text of the hypothesis.
Phone Number The detected telephone number.
Prefix The detected telephone prefix.
Regular expression Text The text of the hypothesis.

4/12/2024 6:16:02 PM

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