Creating, copying, and deleting elements
To create an element:
- Activate the FlexiLayout window.
- Go down the FlexiLayout tree to the nesting level where you wish to create an element (SearchElements is the first nesting level).
- Select the type of the element in FlexiLayout → Add Elements → [Type].
- Specify the element’s properties, search area, and additional search constraints if required. For a detailed description of each element and its properties, consult the corresponding section of this help file.
Important!The name of an element may contain letters (Roman characters, Roman characters with diacritics, Cyrillic characters), digits, and underscores. The name of an element must start with a letter or an underscore. The name of an element must not contain spaces or any the following special symbols: '.', ',', ':', '-', '\', '/'.
When viewing pre-recognition results, you can quickly create elements based on the current image. The following methods are available.
- Point the mouse to a recognized object and double-click it. A Select Element Type dialog box appears.
- Select the desired element type and click OK to confirm.
- On the toolbar, click
to activate the element creation mode.
- Point the mouse to a corner of the rectangle from which the new element is to be created.
- Holding down the left mouse button, drag the mouse pointer diagonally to the opposite corner. A rectangle will be displayed from which the new element is to be created.
- Release the mouse. A Select Element Type dialog box appears.
- Select the desired element type and click OK to confirm.
You can move the created element to another level in the FlexiLayout tree using the drag-and-drop function. Note, however, that if the FlexiLayout tree contains elements or blocks which refer to the moved element, you will need to adjust the corresponding properties of the elements and blocks concerned. FlexiLayout Studio will automatically highlight the elements affected by such move.
Note.Once you have created a Group element, you need to add simple or Group elements into it. To add elements into a Group element:
- Drag and drop the element you wish to add,
- Click the Group element in question and create new elements of the required types within this element.
To move or copy elements:
- Select the desired element in the branch. To select multiple elements, hold the Ctrl key and click the elements you want to copy. To select several consecutive elements in the branch, hold the Shift key and click the first and last element you want to copy.
- Move or copy the selected element(s):
- Hold down the Ctrl key and use the mouse to drag the element to the desired location in the tree of elements.
- Copy elements using the Copy and Paste commands on the Edit menu or the shortcut menu, or the Copy and Paste buttons on the toolbar.
You can copy any existing element, including Group elements. You may have to edit the properties of the copy, but it is still faster than creating several similar elements from scratch. The name of the copy is built from the name of the original elements and the number of the copy.
To delete an element:
- Switch to the FlexiLayout window.
- Select the element you wish to delete. To select multiple elements, hold the Ctrl key and click the elements you want to delete. To select several consecutive elements in the branch, hold the Shift key and click the first and last element you want to delete.
- Right-click the element and select Delete from the shortcut menu.
4/12/2024 6:16:02 PM