Document Type Dialog Box: Document Type

This dialog box allows you to specify document types for the workflow. To open this dialog box, click New... or Edit... on the 5. Indexing tab of the Workflow Properties dialog box.

Specify a document type name and configure the document attributes.

Option name Option description
Document type name The name of the document type.
Document attributes

Document attributes are specific metadata fields which characterize the document. For each attribute you have to set its name and type and specify whether it is required::

  • Name. The name of the attribute.
  • Type. Determines constraints on the attribute's value.
  • Required. Specifies whether the attribute must have a value or not.
  • Visible. Specifies whether the attribute is visible in the Indexing Station.
  • Read-only. Specifies whether the value of the attribute can be edited.
  • Tip text. Describes constraints placed on the attribute's value by the attribute's type.
  • Fixed region. Specifies whether the attribute corresponds to the fixed region of the document.



Adds a new attribute. Opens the Field Properties dialog box, where you can configure a new attribute.



Allows you to modify an attribute.



Allows you to move the selected attribute up. The order of the attributes set in the dialog box will be used by the Indexing Station to position the attribute fields on the Attributes Pane.



Allows you to move the selected attribute down. The order of the attributes set in the dialog box will be used by the Indexing Station to position the attribute fields on the Attributes Pane.



Deletes the selected attribute.
Load Template... Allows you to load a fixed region template.
Delete Template Deletes the selected template.



Opens the Event Handlers dialog box that lets you create handlers that run on the following events:

  • When Document Type Is Changed
  • When Document Attribute Value Is Changed
  • When Document Indexing Is Finished

See also: Creating a Script for Document Identification and Indexing.

Use this type by default If you select this option, the document type will be used as the default document type. This means that on the Indexing Station it will be selected by default for each document from this workflow.
See also

Indexing Tab of Workflow Properties Dialog Box

Field Properties Dialog Box

26.03.2024 13:49:49

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