Schedule Dialog Box: Schedule

This dialog box appears if the Run on schedule option is selected and if you click Schedule... on one of the following dialog boxes: Workflow Properties, Processing Station Properties, Group Properties, or IFilter Workflow Properties. This dialog box is designed to create the schedule of the processing activity. See the Creating a Schedule section for more information about schedule creation.

Option name Option description
Recurrence pattern Specifies daily, weekly or monthly schedule. See Creating a Schedule for more information.
Job time Specifies the start time, end time and duration of the workflow, the Processing Station or the group of Processing Stations activity. Duration must not exceed the maximum value for the selected Recurrence pattern (no longer than one day for daily recurrence, one week for weekly recurrence, or 4 weeks for monthly recurrence).
Schedule effective

Specifies the start and end dates of the schedule.  If you do not want your schedule to be limited in time, select the No end date option.

Note. When the schedule expires, new tasks will no longer be added to the processing queue. Workflow tasks that have already been started will be completed and their results exported.

See also

Creating a Schedule

3/26/2024 1:49:49 PM

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