RecognizedPage Object

RecognizedPage Object

This object represents the current page. It is used in document separation scripts. Document separation is performed by indicating the first page of the document and the pages to be deleted. This object allows identifying (by page contents and properties) whether the page is the first one in the document and whether it is to be deleted. Each recognized page contains blocks detected during layout analysis. Blocks determine how and in what order the image areas are recognized and contain the recognized text. Through the TextBlocks, TableBlocks, or BarcodeBlocks property, you can access recognized text of the corresponding block and the block position on the page.


Name Type Description
BarcodeBlocks BarcodeBlocks, read-only All barcode blocks of the page layout.
BarcodeText String

Text of the separation barcode. The first found barcode of the specified type is assigned to the variable.

This property value is filled automatically if the "Use barcodes to separate documents" separation method is selected in the settings of the workflow that triggered the script. During separation, the document inherits the property value from the first page. Property values from the rest of the pages will be lost. The text can be used for output file naming. You can include this text in the output file naming scheme using the <Barcode> tag.

The value of this property can be changed using a document separation script.

CustomText String Any custom text. During separation, the document inherits the property value from the first page. Property values from the rest of the pages will be lost. The text can be used for output file naming. You can include this text in the output file naming scheme using the <CustomText> tag.
DiscardJob Boolean This property set to TRUE means that the entire job containing the current page is to be discarded immediately upon the script completion.
Height Long, read-only Layout height in pixels.
InputFileProperties InputFile, read-only Represents the input file containing the current page.
IsForDeletion Boolean This property set to TRUE means that this page is to be deleted during document separation.
IsSecondInSplit Boolean, read-only If the value of this property is TRUE, the page is the second half of a splitted double-page spread.
IsStartingPage Boolean This property set to TRUE means that a new document is to be started at this page during document separation.
JobProperties JobProperties, read-only Represents the job containing the current page.
PageIndex Long, read-only Page index in the input image file. The page index is equal to page number minus 1. The value of this property is in range from 0 to InputFileProperties.TotalPages - 1.
PageNumber Long, read-only Page number in the input image file. The value of this property is in range from 1 to InputFileProperties.TotalPages.
Resolution Long, read-only Layout resolution.
Statistics Statistics, read-only Page processing statistics.
TableBlocks TableBlocks, read-only All table blocks of the page layout.
Text String, read-only String which contains the concatenated text of all blocks.
TextBlocks TextBlocks, read-only All text blocks of the page layout.
PictureBlocks PictureBlocks, read-only All picture blocks of the page layout.
UserProperty String This is a custom property that passes its value to each of the following pages in the document. By default it contains an empty string. If its value is changed on a page, this value will be passed to all subsequent pages.
Width Long, read-only Layout width in pixels.
WorkflowName String The name of the workflow that is used when processing the file that contains the page with this property.


Name Parameters Description
LogMessage [in]String - the message to be written into the Application log. Writes a string into the Application log of the machine where the script is executed.
RemoveAllBlocks None. Removes all blocks on the page.
SaveImage [in]String - the name of the file to be saved. Saves image of the page to uncompressed TIFF-file the same color as the source image.

See also

Creating a Script for Document Separation

3/26/2024 1:49:49 PM

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