DocumentToIndex Object

DocumentToIndex Object

This object represents a document to be indexed. It is used in document identification and indexing scripts. This object allows you to specify the document type and attributes on the basis of recognized text, job properties, and input file properties. You can access the recognized pages of the document as well as their layout and text via the Pages property.


Name Type Description
Attributes Attributes, read-only Document attributes. Attribute values can be used for output file naming. You can include an attribute value to the output file naming scheme using the attribute name in angle brackets.
Bookmarks IBookmarkItems, read-only Bookmarks. A tree of bookmarks can be generated in the output PDF file based on the document contents. You can make the script go through the text of the document, find particular words or phrases and create bookmarks linking to found items in the output PDF file.
BarcodeText String

Text of the separation barcode. The first found barcode of the specified type is assigned to the variable.

This property value is filled automatically if the "Use barcodes to separate documents" separation method is selected in the settings of the workflow that triggered the script. During separation, the document inherits the property value from the first page. Property values from the rest of the pages will be lost. The text can be used for output file naming. You can include this text in the output file naming scheme using the <Barcode> tag.

The value of this property can be changed using a document separation script.

CustomText String Used to register any custom text. The property value can be filled with a document separation script and a document indexing script. If the value is filled with a separation script, the property will contain custom text assigned to the first page of the document. The value of the property can be used for output file naming. You can include the text in the output file naming scheme using the <CustomText> tag.
DiscardJob Boolean This property set to TRUE means that the entire job is to be discarded immediately upon script completion.
DocumentType String Document type. The document type can be used for output file naming. You can include the document type to the output file naming scheme using the <DocumentType> tag.
InputFiles InputFiles, read-only All input files which contain images of document pages.
IsMailAttachedMessageFile Boolean, read-only Indicates that the document contains the body of an attached e-mail message or its attachment.
IsMailBodyFile Boolean, read-only Indicates if the document contains the body of a main e-mail message
JobProperties JobProperties, read-only Represents the job containing the current document.
Pages DocumentToIndexPages, read-only Pages of the document.
SkipManualIndexing Boolean Specifies whether manual indexing is to be skipped. If the value of this property is FALSE, the document will be queued for processing at the Indexing Station upon completion of the indexing script.
Statistics Statistics, read-only Statistics of document processing.
VerificationUserName String, read-only Returns the name of a Verification Station operator.
WorkflowName String, read-only Returns the name of a workflow.


Name Parameters Description
LogMessage [in] String - the message which is to be written into the Application log. Writes a string into the Application log of the machine where the script is executed.
See also

Creating a Script for Document Identification and Indexing

26.03.2024 13:49:49

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