Node: Jobs

This node contains the list of jobs being processed and queued.

Details Pane

Column Description

Image files that will be processed within the job.

Note. In Mail workflows, a job received from a POP3\IMAP or a Microsoft Exchange Online server will have the message subject as its name and *.html as its file extension. If the message does not have a subject, the job file will be named Email If the message has attachments (including attachments in attached messages), the job name will also contain the names of the attached files and will look like this: Email, <names of attachments>.

Workflow The name of the workflow in which this job was created.

The job state:

  • Waiting
    The job is waiting to be processed.
  • %0% done
    The job is N% done.
  • Queued for verification
    One or several documents of the job are waiting to be verified.
  • Verification
    One or several documents of the job are being verified.
  • Queued for indexing
    Document of the job is waiting to be indexed.
  • Indexing
    Document of the job is being indexed.
  • Publishing
    The job is being published.
  • Processed, waiting to be published
    The job has been processed, but has not yet been published.
  • Processed and paused
    The job cannot be published.
  • Paused
    The job is in the Paused state if corresponding workflow was stopped based on a schedule.
Processing notes A message containing information about the errors or problems that occurred when processing the document.
Date The job creation date and time.
User The name of the user who created the job. The name can be obtained from the client application, or taken from the incoming e-mail message. If the name cannot be detected, it will be displayed as "unknown."

The job priority:

  • High
  • Above normal
  • Normal
  • Below normal
  • Low

Note. You can change the job priority in the context menu.

Shortcut Menus and Toolbar Buttons

Menu item Toolbar button Description
Reject All Jobs All the jobs are stopped and their files are placed into the Exceptions folder specified on the 4. Quality Control tab of the Workflow Properties dialog box. After their files are published to the Exceptions folder, the jobs are removed from the job queue.
Delete All Jobs All the jobs are immediately removed from the job queue and their files are placed into the Exceptions folder specified in the FineReader Server Properties dialog box.
Refresh Refreshes the list of jobs to be processed.
Help Opens Help.
Details pane
Refreshes data.
Clicking this button on the toolbar of the details pane opens an additional pane that shows the name of the selected job and the list of files it contains.
Reject Job The job is stopped and its files are placed into the Exceptions folder specified on the 4. Quality Control tab of the Workflow Properties dialog box. After its files are published to the Exceptions folder, the job is removed from the job queue.
Delete Job The job is immediately removed from the job queue and its files are placed into the Exceptions folder specified in the FineReader Server Properties dialog box.

Note. The context menu of the details pane allows users to reject or delete groups of jobs. Hold the Ctrl button, select jobs one by one by clicking the left mouse button. Call the context menu by clicking the right mouse button on the highlighted area and select the operation you need.

See also

Main Window

3/26/2024 1:49:49 PM

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