Region Object

Region Object

This object represents a region of a block. A region is a set of rectangles positioned one under the other in such a way that the top line of the lower rectangle is the bottom line of the upper one (so that the rectangles do not overlap). This object can be used in document separation and document indexing scripts.


Name Type Description
BoundingRect  Rectangle Object Returns IRectangle, which specifies a rectangle for the region.
RectanglesCount Long, read-only Number of rectangles in the region.


Name Parameters Description

[in] Long - the index of the rectangle in the region. It must range from 0 to the value of the RectanglesCount property minus 1.

[out] Rectangle - the rectangle with the specified index.

Provides access to a rectangle by its index.

See also





26.03.2024 13:49:49

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