Configuration File

The Configuration.xml file contains the ABBYY FineReader Server settings, including information about the document processing settings and results. This file is updated every time changes to the settings are saved.

The configuration file is located at %PROGRAMDATA%\ABBYY FineReader Server 14\Configuration.xml.

The processing settings can be changed in the Remote Administration Console. You can also change these settings by editing the Configuration.xml file manually (this can be done in any text editor). Some settings are not available in the Remote Administration Console and can only be changed by editing the Configuration.xml file.

To change the Configuration.xml file, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Services dialog box, stop the Server Manager and Processing Station services (to open this dialog box, click Start > Control Panel  > Administrative Tools  > Services).
  2. Edit the Configuration.xml file and save your changes.
  3. Start the Server Manager and Processing Station services.  

The structure of the configuration file

The <OCRServer> tag is the root element of the Configuration.xml. This element has four child elements (<QueueManager>, <ServerSecuritySettings>, <Licenses>, and <JobsLogSettings>). Each of these elements has its own child elements that have their own attributes.

- <OCRServer VersionNumber="6911" ID="{D46171AC-591F-4539-BBC8-8292DF7F1759}" IFilterEnabled="true">
- <QueueManager NotifyAdministrator="false" NotifyOnQueueEmpty="false" MaxJobsCount="50" OperatorStationInactiveTimeoutInMinutes="120" UseCounters="false">
 <TempFolder>C:\ProgramData\ABBYY Recognition Server 14.0\RS5WF</TempFolder>
 <ExceptionsFolder>C:\ProgramData\ABBYY Recognition Server 14.0\RS5WF\Exceptions</ExceptionsFolder>
 <NotificationEMail />
+ <OCRStations>
+ <Workflows>
+ <ServerSecuritySettings>
+ <Licenses>
+ <JobsLogSettings IsJobsLogActive="true" OldRecordsRemoveType="ByTime" OldRecordsRemoveDays="30" OldRecordsRemoveSize="1024">

The Configuration.xml file has a tree-like structure seven levels deep. The structure of the Configuration.xml file and descriptions of its elements and some of their attributes are provided below.

Main tags

Tag Description

The root element of the Configuration.xml file. The child elements of the <OCRServer> contain the following information:

  • <ServerSecuritySettings> - contains the security settings
  • <Licenses> - contains the registered licenses
  • <JobsLogSettings> - contains the job log filter settings
  • <QueueManager> - contains the queue manager settings

The attributes of this element specify:

  • the server's version number
  • the server's identifier
  • whether IFilter is being used

The child elements of the <QueueManager> element contain the following information:

  • <TempFolder> - contains the path to the server's temporary files. By default, the following value is set: %PROGRAMDATA%\ABBYY FineReader Server 14\RS14WF. The value may be changed in the FineReader Server Properties dialog box.
  • <NotificationEmail> - contains the e-mail address to which ABBYY FineReader Server notifications should be sent
  • <OCRStations> - contains the settings of the workstations
  • <Workflows> - contains the workflow settings
TempFolder Attributes of the <TempFolder> element contain the path to the workstation's temporary files. By default, temporary files are located in %PROGRAMDATA%\ABBYY FineReader Server 14\RS14WF. To change the path to temporary files, edit the Configuration.xml file as described above.

The child elements of the <Workflows> element contain the workflow properties

  • <InputSettings> - contains the input parameters for image processing
  • <WorkflowScheduleSettings> - contains the processing schedule
  • <ErrorFolder> - contains the path to the folder where jobs with errors are stored
  • <QMResultFolder> - contains the path to the temporary folder on the server that stores the files of the processed jobs
  • <EmailTextsSettings> - contains the settings for importing images from an e-mail account

The child elements of the <InputSettings> element contain the following parameters:

  • <ImageProcessingParams> - contains the image processing parameters
  • <RecognitionParams> - contains the image recognition parameters
  • <ExportParams> - contains the export parameters for processed images
  • <VerificationSettings> - contains the conditions that must be satisfied before a document can be moved to the verification stage
  • <IndexingSettings> - contains the conditions that must be satisfied in order for a document to be indexed

Attributes whose value can only be changed by editing the Configuration.xml file




















See also

XML Result

3/26/2024 1:49:49 PM

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