JobProperties Object

JobProperties Object

This object represents job properties. It can be used in document separation, indexing and export scripts.


Name Type Description
EmailCc StringCollection Contains the e-mail addresses from the Cc field of the e-mail message if the image was retrieved from a mailbox; otherwise, contains an empty string.
EmailDateTime String Contains the sending date of the e-mail message if the image was retrieved from a mailbox, otherwise, contains an empty string.
EmailSubject String, read-only Contains the subject of the e-mail message if the image was retrieved from a mailbox; otherwise, contains an empty string. The property is not available for the JobProperties subobject of the RecognizedPage object.
EmailTo StringCollection Contains the e-mail addresses from the To field of the e-mail message if the image was retrieved from a mailbox, otherwise, contains an empty string.
Sender String, read-only Contains the name and the e-mail address of the image sender if the image was retrieved from a mailbox; otherwise, contains an empty string. The property is not available for the JobProperties subobject of the RecognizedPage object.
SenderEmail String, read-only Contains the e-mail address of the image sender if the image was retrieved from a mailbox; otherwise, contains an empty string. The property is not available for the JobProperties subobject of the RecognizedPage object.
Statistics Statistics, read-only Job processing statistics.
Subfolder String, read-only The name of the subfolder in the Input folder where the image came from.
UserProperty String The user property propagated from the XML ticket to the XML result.
JobID String, read-only The identifier of the job.
See also





3/26/2024 1:49:49 PM

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