A | C | D | E | I | J | M | O | P | R | S | U | V | W | X |
Area template is a template that contains information about the size and location of the areas for a set of similar-looking documents.
COM-based API is a type of Open API that uses RPC technology and can be used for integration with other systems in the local area network.
Custom pattern is a set of pairs of type "character image - actual character."
Diagnostic tool is a component that collects information about a workstation and its installed ABBYY FineReader Server applications.
Discarded job (document) is a job (document) whose processing was stopped by a station operator.
Document is a combination of one or several page images and recognized text.
Document attributes are specific metadata fields which characterize the document.
Document separation is the process of separating batches of images scanned by a high-speed scanner into documents.
Document type is a type assigned to a document based on which indexing is performed.
Exceptions folder is a folder where the program puts documents for which processing resulted in an error or whose file names did not fit a user-defined mask.
Integration tool is a tool that enables integration of ABBYY FineReader Server with external systems, front-end systems and devices. Can be implemented by means of scripts, XML tickets, COM-based and Web Services APIs.
Indexer is a user who is allowed to index documents from a given workflow.
Indexing Station is a component that allows you to index recognized documents.
Input file is a file that contains page images to be processed.
Job is a processing unit that consists of an image (or a set of images) and its processing parameters.
Job log is a log that contains information about processed jobs.
Job queue is a set of jobs to be processed.
Microsoft Search IFilter is a component that allows interacting with Microsoft Search Server, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server and Microsoft Windows Search.
Output file is a file that contains the results of processing the page images contained in an input file.
Processing Station is a Windows service that directly performs recognition.
Remote Administration Console is a Microsoft® Management Console (MMC) snap-in that provides a common administration interface for configuration and monitoring.
Scanning operator is a user who has been granted permissions to enter documents by means of a Scanning Station.
Scanning Station is a component that allows you to perform batch scanning and pass images to FineReader Server for further processing.
Server Manager is the main FineReader Server component that functions as a Windows service, manages licenses and all processing options, forms and manages the job queue, distributes the jobs among Processing Stations, Verification Stations, and Indexing Stations, and delivers output documents after processing.
Successful documents are documents that have been processed without any errors.
Uncertain symbol is a character which may have been recognized incorrectly.
Unprocessed files are files whose extensions do not fit the mask specified in the respective workflow.
User dictionary is a text file in the UTF-16 encoding where words are represented as a list each line of which contains one word.
Verification Station is a component that allows you to proofread recognition results.
Verifier is a user that verifies pages in a workflow.
Web Service is a component that provides a Web Service API for integrating the FineReader Server with remote applications over the HTTP protocol.
Workflow is a set of parameters to be applied when processing image files.
XML result is an XML file created by ABBYY FineReader Server when a job has been processed.
XML ticket is an XML file that contains the processing parameters for one or several image files.
3/26/2024 1:49:49 PM