How to Configure E-mail Processing

ABBYY FineReader Server 14 provides the following e-mail functionality:

  • Importing attachments from e-mail messages
    (the Get images from: Exchange mailbox or Get images from: POP3/IMAP E-mail Server option on the 1. Input tab of the Workflow Properties dialog box)
  • Sending output documents by e-mail
    (the Send output file via Exchange Server or Send output file via SMTP Server option in the Output Profile Settings dialog box of the workflow properties)
  • Sending notifications to the administrator
    (the Notify the administrator if a failure occurs and Notify the administrator when all jobs have been processed options in the FineReader Server Properties dialog box). FineReader Server supports sending notifications to the administrator via the Microsoft Exchange e-mail server or via SMTP server.

Note. If using e-mail functionality via Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Outlook 2016 or later must be installed on the computer with the Server Manager.

To configure your Exchange e-mail client...

To set up import of messages from the POP3 / IMAP e-mail server...

To configure document publishing to the SMTP server...

See also

FineReader Server Properties Dialog Box

Input Tab of Workflow Properties Dialog Box

Output Format Settings Dialog Box

3/26/2024 1:49:49 PM

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