In Timeline, Account is an entity that determines access to the program, stores your subscription (or license, if you are using Timeline on-premises), and is responsive to all the limitations associated with it.
When registered and logged in to the program, you automatically access your own account. Each account has a subscription or license, which defines a certain set of parameters and restrictions that will be available or limited in the program. After you create your own account upon registration, you will get a trial license with limited features, which still can help you to get familiar with the program's functionality. Contact ABBYY representatives to learn details about existing subscriptions or licenses and choose the option which suits you best - Contact us.
You may be as well invited into an already existing account. In this case, your access to it and your permissions level will be governed by the Account Owner and limited by the active subscription/license.
This administrative data is displayed and can be managed in the respective interface section. As access permissions are limited by roles, the account section can be accessed only by Account Owner and Admins, for common users, the account access button is greyed out. To access your account settings, if you have a sufficient role, click your user avatar at the bottom of the left bar and then select Account.
For detailed information on possible Account roles, see Account Roles and Permissions.
Account and Profile
An account is regulated by an Account Owner, who fully controls this account. Usually, it is the user who created it, but one can receive this role from the previous owner. Work in Timeline is not possible without an account, each user belongs to one and only one account at a time. Being invited to another account, you receive an email notification and can acquire membership by confirming this invitation in your Profile section. After confirming, your Profile joins the account. After switching accounts, it requires a new invitation to transfer back to the old one.
To learn more about invitation-related notifications sent by Timeline, see Account Notifications.
Profile contains user information and personal security settings, for details, see User Profile.
Each time you open Timeline, you have to provide login information to access its functionality. It can be a centralized company account or a personalized one, included in a corporate subscription. After the credentials are entered successfully, you access the program within the account you belong to, which can be only one at a time.
The type of the required login information depends on the Authentication settings selected in the account.
For details, see Authentication.
Managing an Account
Being logged in, you can access your account settings. To do it, click your user avatar at the bottom of the left bar and then select Account.

An account is the key point of user and subscription management. Here you can manage users, projects, and repositories existing in the account, see your subscription details and its limitations, and verify and alter authentication settings. Learn about Account sections and possible actions in Managing Account.
To manage your subscription or in case you have questions related to it, please submit a request to the ABBYY technical support service on this page.
05.09.2024 16:23:54