Exporting data to a file

To configure export to file, proceed as follows:

  1. In the Document Definition editor window, click Document Definition → Export Settings...
  2. Click Add... and select Export to data files in the Type field.
  3. Specify whether export is obligatory.
  4. Specify whether images should be exported.
  5. Specify which documents (with and/or without errors) should be exported and click Next>.
  6. Specify the export parameters and click Next>. The adjustable export parameters depend on the value specified in the Target field.
    • Recreate filenames and structure of Hot Folder subfolders,


  • Export all documents to one file,


  • Create a separate folder for each batch,


  • Create folder structure and filename using template,


The export path is specified relative to the root folder specified in Project Properties. You only need to specify a name of subfolder to which documents will be saved. If you need to use the export path which is different from the root path in Project Properties, you need to specify the export path in UNC format (\\computer_name\share_name[\path]). Also, make sure all the stations involved in exporting have access to the specified location. Export errors will occur, if the path is specified in the following format: \[path].

  1. Select a file saving format, specify additional export properties for the selected file type, and select the text encoding, if necessary. Then click Next>.

Microsoft Office Excel workbook (*.xlsx)

Microsoft Office Excel workbook (*.xls)

XML Document (*.xml)

Comma-separated values file (*.csv)

Text file (*.txt)

DBase file (*.dbf)

JSON Document (*.json)

Important! Complete steps 8 and 9 only if you selected the Save document images option in step 4.

  1. If you want to save the images, specify the image saving parameters and click Next>.
    • Choose either to save images together with the data or to specify the image folder;
    • Select the image file naming scheme: similar to the data files or otherwise. See Export file naming options.
    • Specify the fields that contain images you want to hide during export.
  2. If images should be stored, specify image storage options and click Next>.
    • Select the desired image format, quality, and color.
    • To change the resolution of the source images, select Change resolution to and select the appropriate value from the list.
    • If you select PDF or PDF/A as a storage format, you can create searchable PDF files.
  3. Enter an export profile name and click Finish.

The program will export all values of document fields to one or more files of the specified format.

Note: By default, repeating fields (i.e., fields with multiple instances and tables) are exported into separate files for which a new folder is created. The name of the folder consists of the name of the export file. To disable export of repeating fields into separate files, clear the option Make separate files for repeatable items on the Export Destination Wizard tab (the option is available for all formats except XML). In this case, when repeating fields will be exported into one export file and the program will add a new line for each element instance.

Note: When exporting data about exported images (images of pages or fields) to a file, the path to the file can be:

  • relative, if the images are being exported to the same folder as the file (or its subfolders);
  • absolute in all other cases.

12.04.2024 18:16:02

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