Default export settings

Export settings are specified for each batch type. When a batch is created, its type is specified and, when selecting the File → Export to command, the batch is exported in accordance with the settings for this batch type.

If no batch types are created, all batches are exported with the <default> settings specified for the entire project (Project → Project Properties..., Export Destinations tab). If you select the File → Export to command for the batch whose type is not specified the batch is exported with the <default> settings.

On this tab you can enable deleting documents after export and specify export options for unrecognized documents. Recognized documents will be exported in accordance with Document Definition settings.

The following export options are available:

Option Description
Export unknown documents Select this option if you want to export unrecognized documents.
Image export settings group
Image format

Select the desired image saving format from the list.

Click the Options... button to specify options for the selected format. For all formats, the following options are available:

  • Quality.
  • Color Type.
  • Changing resolution to a new value (in dpi).

Select the desired export target from the drop-down list. Depending on the selected target specify additional export settings. You have the following choices:

  • Create folder structure and filename using template
    If you select this value, file names and the subfolder structure will form depending on the document parameters.
  • Export documents as separate files
    If you select this value, each document will be exported to a separate file. Specify the path and the first characters of the file name in the Name prefix field.
  • Recreate filenames and structure of Hot Folder subfolders
    If you select this value, the folder structure will mimic that in the Hot Folder the document images had been imported from. When configuring this export type, select the folder to mimic the Hot Folder structure in the Export path field.
Export path The path to the folder to which you want to export files.
Template File name generation settings. To change these settings, click the Edit... button. See Export file naming options for details.
If file exists This drop-down list lets you specify what the program should do if a file with the generated name already exists.
Delete documents after export

Select this option if you want to delete documents after they have been exported.

Note: Data on documents that were deleted immediately after they were exported will not be included in reports.

Delete processed batches after This option lets you delay the deletion of processed batches and specify the duration of this delay. This option cannot be applied to batches that are stored locally. Settings that determine how batches are deleted during manual or automatic cleanup are available in the Administration and Monitoring Console. By default, the processed batches are deleted 14 days after the processing.

4/12/2024 6:16:02 PM

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