Extended regular expressions

Formats are specified by means of extended regular expressions.

Extended regular expressions include the following additions:

  1. Special brackets [% and %]. Characters inside the brackets are supplemented with popular OCR errors.
    For example, [%S%] may allow S, $, and 5.
  2. Special words inside [%...%] for common character sets and OCR errors:
  1. LETTERS - Capital Latin letters and characters commonly recognized as capital Latin letters
  2. DIGITS - Digits and characters commonly recognized as digits
  3. LETERSANDDIGITS - Capital Latin letters, digits, and characters commonly recognized as capital Latin letters and digits

For example, [%DIGITS%]{9} specifies nine consecutive digits or common OCR errors for digits, e.g. "OI234Sb7B9".

4/12/2024 6:16:02 PM

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