Document Definitions

Creating a Document Definition is the main and most critical stage in configuring a project and determines the quality of data obtained after processing.

Document Definitions can only be created on the Project Setup Station .

A Document Definition describes the location of document elements and indicates fields to be used in data extraction. When creating a Document Definition, field properties are specified along with their range of values. Data export settings are also configured.

To start creating a Document Definition, run the Document Definition Wizard:

  1. In the main menu of ABBYY FlexiCapture select Project → Document Definitions...
  2. In the Document Definitions dialog box that opens click the New... button.
  3. Follow the instructions in the Document Definition Wizard.

If a Document Definition has been modified, it needs to be updated for the changes to take effect. If the changes also affect fields that have already been marked up on your documents, batches containing those documents need to be re-recognized. As a result, changes made manually by the user to the markup of documents in training batches, classification batches, and NLP batches are lost. To make sure that a Document Definition update does not affect markup in these batches, select the Do not rerecognize documents option.  

Note: If an update affects document batches that are currently at a processing stage server-side, wait until processing has finished and then exclude these batches from the update. You will be able to re-recognize these batches separately later.

See also:

Creating Fixed Document Definitions

Creating Document Definitions for semi-structured documents

Document Definitions without automatic field extraction

Document sets

Document Definition fields

Document Definition Wizard

Editing and publishing a Document Definition

Creating Document Definitions

Document Definition properties

Properties of a Document Definition section

Rule validation

Export settings

Configuring data presentation in the document window

Testing Document Definitions

Localizing a Document Definition

4/12/2024 6:16:02 PM

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