Custom Operator roles

Besides the standard Operator roles available in the system (i.e. Data Verification Operator, Verification Operator, Senior Verification Operator), you can create your own custom roles to control the Operators' access to data and queues in the processing stages.

Note: You cannot restrict Operator's access to operations on data or access to operations on tasks when configuring Web Verification Station and Web Capture Station custom roles. Only the following standard Operator roles can be configured for these stations: Data Verification Operator, Verification Operator, and Senior Verification Operator.

For example, if a large number users are involved in a project, you can create custom roles, allowing different groups of users to access different verification stages where different sets of fields are verified for the same batch type. You can also use custom roles to control what the Operators can and cannot do. For example, you can prohibit a role from deleting documents, prohibit a role from sending documents from one processing stage to another, or, conversely, allow it to send documents only to one particular stage.

Note: You can use methods other than roles to prohibit Operators from sending tasks to particular stages. See this example for more information.

You can create and set up a new role on the User Roles tab of the Project Properties dialog box (click Project → Project Properties...). Roles created on that tab are then assigned to Operators in the Administration and Monitoring Console.

Note: You can create a new role when editing the properties of a stage that will be accessible to that role. This is done on the Roles tab of the Workflow Stage Properties dialog box (click Project → Project Properties... or Project → Batch Types..., then select the batch type to modify, click the Workflow tab, and when using the Advanced or Advanced for Web Capture station processing schemata, create an interactive stage or select an existing one and click Edit...). However, you will still need to go to the User Roles tab to grant access permissions to a role thus created.

Apart from creating (New...) and deleting (Delete) a role, you can create a new role from an existing role (Duplicate...) or modify an existing role (Edit...). When you click Edit..., a Role properties dialog box opens.

Note: You cannot modify the standard Operator roles (i.e. Data Verification Operator, Verification Operator, Senior Verification Operator).

You can specify the following access permissions for a role in the Role properties dialog box.

  • The list of stages from which the role may receive tasks. To specify the list of stages:
    1. Click Stages for Getting Tasks....
    2. Select appropriate items next to the stages that you want to make accessible to the role. If you want to make accessible all the stages of a particular batch type, select an item next to that batch type. Clicking Select/deselect all stages will select or clear all stages.
    3. Click OK to save the changes and return to the Role properties dialog box.
  • Access to operations on data.
Item Access permissions
View list of project batches
    1. Viewing the list of batches.
Create/delete batches
    1. Creating and deleting batches
    2. Working with batch attachments
    3. Working with batch registration parameters
    4. Changing batch types
Modify batch content
  1. Working with document attachments
  2. Working with document registration parameters
  3. Adding / deleting / moving pages / documents
  4. Modifying images
  5. Saving images to disk.
Assemble documents
  1. Saving/downloading attachments
  2. Viewing registration parameters
  3. Moving pages / documents
  4. Modifying images
  5. Saving images to disk.

Note: The Assemble documents role is enabled automatically together with the Modify batch content role. It can also be enabled independently.

Modify document layout
    1. Modifying the definition of a section / document, marking pages as attachments
    2. Changing field region
Modify document content
    1. Changing field contents
    2. Adding and removing field instances
    3. Confirming fields
    4. Working with document registration parameters
    5. Starting verification (F7)
  • Access to operations on tasks
Item Access permissions
Create tasks or subtasks Sending batches or documents to the processing stage
Postpone tasks Postponing a task
View list of tasks in queue

Viewing the task queue in the processing stage accessible to the role and getting tasks from it

Note: If this permission is granted to role, user is allowed to handle tasks using Data Verification station regardless of presence of other permissions

Send tasks to any available stage

Sending tasks / subtasks to any processing stage accessible to the role for the given batch type 

Note: If the item is cleared, the Operator will be able to send tasks only to the Exceptions and Rescanning queues (if allowed by the settings) and to any interactive stages allowed by the routing schema.

Change processing priority Changing the priority of a task / document / batch

A role restricts the set of processing stages from which its Operators will receive tasks. For this reason, you can also grant access permissions to a specific processing stage on the Roles tab of the Workflow Stage Properties dialog box:

  1. For batches of the Default type, click Project → Project Properties... For other batch types:
    • Click Project → Batch Types...
    • Select the batch type which you want to make accessible or inaccessible
    • Click Edit...
  2. Go to the Workflow tab.
  3. When using Advanced or Advanced for Web Capture station processing schemata, create an interactive stage or select an existing stage and click Edit...
  4. In the Workflow Stage Properties dialog box, click the Roles tab.
  5. Select appropriate items for the roles which will access the given processing stage.
  6. If you need to add a new role, click New Role..., provide a name for the new role, and click OK.

Note: To provide other access permissions a role thus created, you will still need to go to the User Roles tab.


Prohibit sending documents to a processing stage

Prohibit sending documents from one processing stage to another

Prohibit sending documents from one processing stage to any stage other than the specified stage

12.04.2024 18:16:02

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