License parameters
Each license has its own serial number. A license includes a set of parameters which determine whether the user has the right to perform certain document processing operations.
License parameters:
- Description - serial number, licensing method, availability of a virtual machine
- License purpose - license type (software or hardware), ability to provide document processing services
- Workstations, Tools - restrictions on the number of stations and development tools (FlexiLayout Studio, FormDesigner).
Note: Depending on the license type, restrictions on the number of stations can be specified either separately for rich and Web-stations or together for both types of stations.
- Productivity - restrictions on the number of pages and CPU cores. The Page limit group displays both the total quantity of pages allowed for the license and the number of pages available at the moment.
- Processing - additional document processing parameters: the use of FlexiLayouts, a limit on the amount of fields, and additional recognition languages
Note: A license with a limit on the amount of fields in Document Definitions precludes the use of table fields and repeating fields in projects.
- Custom components (including Document Definitions) - the use of components developed by the user
For you to be able to process invoices, Custom components must include one or more components from an ABBYY HQ vendor or the Invoice AU component from ABBYY AU:
- EuropeanInvoice - for European invoices
- USInvoice - for American and Canadian invoices
- ANZInvoice - for Australian and New Zealand invoices
- JPInvoice - for Japanese invoices
- CommercialInvoice - for commercial invoices
- Receipt - for receipts
- Orders - for orders
- Invoice AU - for Australian invoices
The EuropeanInvoice.AddOn.LineItems, USInvoice.AddOn.LineItems, JPInvoice.AddOn.LineItems, and ANZInvoice.AddOn.LineItems components allows you to enable Line items extraction.
The ABBYY EU: Business Monitoring component allows you to enable the business process monitoring feature.
- Import - additional import options; specifies whether the ISIS protocol and the opening of PDF files are allowed
- Export - additional export options; specifies whether export to searchable PDF and advanced XML export are allowed
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