Verification of line items
ABBYY FlexiCapture automatically captures invoice line items if corresponding feature was enabled by the Administrator and is allowed by your license.
If, for some reason, invoice line items have not been captured automatically or have been captured incorrectly, you can capture line items manually or try fine-tuning the automatic capture feature.
A line item may include such fields as Order Number, Article Number, Description, Quantity, Unit Price, Total Price, etc. See Invoice Definition Fields.
Looking for line items
Click the Continue Line Items command (available by right-clicking the region of the line item field) to attempt to detect the line items below the current line.
When looking for the line items below the current line, the program uses the markup information about the regions of the current and preceding lines which was provided (or adjusted) by the user.
If the markup does not match the line items properly, the Operator should:
- draw a rectangle around the first line item
- mark all the fields of the first line item
- select the Continue Line Items command on the shortcut menu of any field of the first line item
This will cause the program to detect the remaining line items automatically. For more reliable detection, the program will use information about the position of the first line item and about the positions of the field regions within the line item.
If the result is still unsatisfactory, the Operator should:
- correct the position of the first incorrectly detected line item
- specify the fields of this line item
- invoke the Continue Line Items command for this line item
This will cause the program to detect the remaining line items automatically. For more reliable detection, the program will use information about the position of the current line item and about the positions of all of the preceding line items.
If the result is still unsatisfactory, the Operator should manually draw a rectangle enclosing all of the line items and then draw horizontal separators to separate the individual line items.
Looking for fields in line items
If the line items have been detected correctly, but some of the fields within line items have not been properly identified, the Operator can use the Reanalyze Line Items Below command, which is available on the shortcut menu of the line item's region.
This command takes into account the positions of the fields in the line items in the current line and the line items that precede it, which is deemed to be provided (or adjusted) by the user. Using this information, the program identifies the fields in the line items below the current line.
If the line items have been detected correctly, but some of the fields within the line items have not been properly identified, the Operator should:
- arrange the field regions in the first line item
- select the Reanalyze Line Items Below command on the shortcut menu of the line item's region
The program will automatically detect the fields in the remaining line items, without changing the positions of the line items themselves. For more reliable detection, the program will use information about the positions of the field regions in the first line item.
If the result is still unsatisfactory, the Operator should:
- adjust the position of the fields in the first line item where the fields are detected incorrectly
- invoke the Reanalyze Line Items Below command for this line item
The program will automatically detect the fields in the remaining line items, without changing the positions of the line items themselves. For more reliable detection, the program will use information about the positions of the field regions in the current line item and in all of the preceding line items.
Note: For the Continue Line Items and Reanalyze Line Items Below commands to be operational, the vendor's or purchaser's country must be known to the program, i.e. the corresponding field on the data form must be completed.
Note: For the Reanalyze Line Items Below command to be operational, enable the Has table layout option in the Document Definition (for details, see General field properties).
Marking up line items manually
In ABBYY FlexiCapture, you can mark up line items manually.
To mark up a line item, draw a rectangle around the line item on the image and then select Line Items[*] on the shortcut menu.
Next, either hold down the left mouse button or use the Add Separator (F) tool to draw horizontal separators to separate individual line items.
Invoice form designers may choose to position line items on their invoices in many different ways.
Very often, some of the columns will be separated from the other fields by vertical separators. In this case, draw vertical separators to separate the columns from the fields so that each column has only one field. Click on the markup (on the separator or on the enclosing rectangle). A green plus sign will appear in the column's header. Click the plus sign and select the name of the column from the list. The corresponding fields will be automatically created inside the column.
Some other columns (e.g. Description or Article Number) may be placed in one column on the image. In this case, you can mark up fields by simply clicking them and drawing their regions with the mouse.
Create the regions of the fields in the first line item in the column. Now when you start creating the regions of the next line items in this column, the program will display prompts for fields using the information it has accumulated about the preceding line items.
Training line items
The training of line items may be necessary in the following two cases:
- The capture of line items should be improved (e.g. if some of the columns have not been detected or columns have been detected incorrectly, if some of the values or their regions have not been detected properly, etc.).
- No line items have been detected on some of the invoices (or line items have been detected incorrectly, i.e. the field regions identified by the program do not match the actual field regions).
Note: Training only works for columns (including those columns that were manually added to the Document Definition). You cannot train undetected rows.
To improve the capture of line items:
- Mark up the columns for three to five rows
mark up one or two rows and from the shortcut menu of any field of the first line item, select Continue Line Items or Reanalyze Line Items Below. See Looking for line items and Looking for fields in line items above. - Repeat step 1 for the three invoices.
Note: Only the first three invoices will be used for which you invoked the training feature. To select a different set of invoices, use the
Open Field Extraction Training Batches view. See Training by users with project setup permissions.
If no line items have been detected:
- Mark up the line items manually and perform the training steps as described above.
- The Administrator can train line items in administrative training mode in the same manner that he trains other fields (see Training while processing documents).
Note: Before you can train the program to capture line items, the vendor must be specified and the Training during processing and Line items extraction options enabled.
After the export all the documents are moved to the Training stage by default.
Working with line items on the data form
Invoice line items are displayed as a table in the data form.
By default, those columns are displayed in the data form, whose fields have been detected on the image or whose display has been enforced by the Administrator in the Document Definition.
To customize the display of columns in the data form, right-click the header of the table in the data form and on the shortcut menu check those columns that should always be displayed in the data form, even if their fields have not been detected.
To add or delete line items in the data form, right-click the column, to the left of the line items, and then select either Insert 'Line Items' item above/Insert 'Line Items' item below or Delete.
On the shortcut menu of a line item's field, besides the standard commands available for all fields in the data form, the following commands are displayed:
- Copy Value to All Rows - Copies the value of the current cell into all of the cells in the current column
- Copy Value to Other Rows - Copies the value of the current cell into the selected cells in the current column
12.04.2024 18:16:02