What's New in ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 SDK
Here you can find the list of new features in ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 SDK.
Release 4 Update 2
- New handwritten text recognition technology
- New recognition mode: Accurate
Release 4 Update 1
- New recognition languages: Farsi, Bangla, Pinyin.
- New special languages for improved data capture in Arabic and US English.
Release 1 Update 6
- Upgraded the version of WiBu driver used for licenses with hardware protection.
Release 1 Update 5
- Continue the pattern to extract all line items similar to the first: IDocument::ContinueLineItems.
- Invoice and purchase order processing improvements:
- address parsing to extract different parts of an address. To turn on the feature use ABBYY FlexiCapture Developer's Package.
Release 1 Update 4
- Company names and addresses are detected for vendors and business units even if no database is connected.
- Identifier numbers such as VAT ID, national VAT ID, IBAN can be normalized, removing extra special characters like "-" or "\", so that you can match them against their normalized counterparts in the data set.
- Functionality for saving the object contents as an array of bytes: IHandle::SaveToArray.
- Advanced settings for barcode recognition: BarcodeBaseRecognitionParams, IFullTextRecognitionParams::BarcodeBaseRecognitionParams.
- New barcode types:
- for automatically detecting barcode type for all barcodes except post barcodes — BT_AutodetectNoPost constant of the BarcodeTypeEnum.
- for extracting Japanese post barcodes — JapanPost constant of the BarcodeTypeEnum.
- Export to JSON format: JSONExportParams, IFileExportParams::JSONParams, FEF_JSON constant of the FileExportFormatEnum.
- Ability to set the default country for an invoice Document Definition in case the country is not automatically determined: IInvoiceSettings::DefaultCountry.
- Ability to mark up table blocks of a structured Document Definition: IBlockDefinition::AsTableBlockDefinition, TableBlockDefinition.
- You can now get the full-text OCR results: TextsCollection, IEngine::CreateTextsCollection, IPage::GetTextsFromCache.
- You can now move documents from one batch to another: IBatch::MoveDocument.
- A new method to release ImageDocument in managed code: IImageDocument::Close.
- More languages supported for NLP: French and Spanish.
Release 1 Update 3
- Special functionality for extracting information from unstructured texts using NLP technology. See NLP Model Training and NLP Training Objects for more details.
- You can now export processed documents using different export profiles: ExportProfile, ExportProfiles, ExportDocumentConditionEnum, IDocumentDefinition::ExportProfiles.
- Ability to export unknown documents: IProjectProperties::ExportParamsForUnknownDocuments, IProjectProperties::ShouldExportUnknownDocuments, IBatchTypeParams::ExportParamsForUnknownDocuments, IBatchTypeParams::ShouldExportUnknownDocuments.
- IProjectProperties::ExportParams and IDocumentDefinition::ExportParams properties are removed. You can now set export parameters using export profiles (IDocumentDefinition::ExportProfiles property) or IProjectProperties::ExportParamsForUnknownDocuments property (for unknown documents).
- New invoice project types that can be selected when creating a new project:
- the Japanese invoice project ("InvoicesJP") that uses a Document Definition designed specifically for handling Japanese invoices: IPT_Japan constant of the InvoiceProjectTypeEnum;
- the Spanish invoice project ("InvoicesES") that uses a Document Definition designed specifically for handling mainly native Spanish invoices: IPT_KingdomOfSpain constant of the InvoiceProjectTypeEnum.
- New project types:
- Purchase Orders — a new solution for processing purchase orders. You can process ABBYY FlexiCapture preconfigured purchase order project. See Processing Purchase Orders for more details.
- Receipts — a new solution for processing receipts. You can process ABBYY FlexiCapture preconfigured receipt project or create a new one with the help of the IEngine::CreateReceiptProject method. See Processing Receipts for more details.
Release 1 Update 2
- A Document Definition can now be loaded from a .fcdot file: IDocumentDefinitions::LoadFromFile.
- A classifier can now be loaded from a .cfl file: IClassificationTrainingBatch::LoadClassifier.
- You may remove the classifier from the classification training batch: IClassificationTrainingBatch::RemoveClassifier.
Code Samples
Release 1 Update 2
- Hello code sample illustrating how to use ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK in Python.
Release 1 Update 3
- NLP model training code sample illustrating how to use ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK to process unstructured documents with the help of user-trained NLP models.
- Parallel processing code sample illustrating how to process images in multi-threaded application within a single shared project.
Release 1 Update 4
- A sample that shows how to create a structured Document Definition, otherwise known as fixed form, in ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK.
Release 1 Update 6
- A sample that illustrates line items training, a particular case of fields extraction training.
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