Count Property
This property stores the number of elements in an ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK collection. Each ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK collection object has this property.
Visual Basic .NET
Property Count As Integer read-only
HRESULT get_Count(
int* Result
- Result
- [out, retval] A pointer to an int variable that receives the value of this property. Must not be NULL.
Return values
This function has no specific return values. It returns the standard return values of ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK functions.
The following objects have this property:
- AssemblingErrors
- Batches
- BatchItems
- BatchTypes
- BlockDefinitions
- Blocks
- BlocksCollection
- BlockTypesCollection
- BusinessUnitRecords
- CheckmarkGroupBlock
- ClassificationTrainingBatches
- ClassificationTrainingDocuments
- ClassificationTrainingPages
- Countries
- DataSets
- DataSetTableColumns
- DataSetTableRecords
- DocumentDefinitions
- Documents
- EnvironmentVariables
- ExportProfiles
- ExtractionModels
- FieldDefinitions
- FieldDefinitionsCollection
- FieldInstances
- FieldRegions
- Fields
- FieldsExtractionTrainingBatches
- FieldValuesCollection
- GroupLanguage
- HotFolderProfiles
- ImageEnhancementProfiles
- IntsCollection
- InvoiceFeatures
- InvoiceLanguages
- LinksToSections
- KeywordLists
- PageDefinitions
- PageClasses
- Pages
- PredefinedLanguages
- RejectedDataSetRecords
- Region
- RegistrationParameters
- RuleErrors
- SectionDefinitions
- SectionDefinitionsCollection
- StatusReasons
- StatusValues
- StringsCollection
- TableColumns
- Taxes
- TaxGroups
- TextRegions
- TextsCollection
- VendorRecords
- VerificationGroup
- VirtualFileSystemNodes
See also
15.08.2023 13:19:30