TableBlockDefinition Object (ITableBlockDefinition Interface)

This object corresponds to a table block of a Document Definition. Each table block comprises two collections of separators: vertical and horizontal. To define a Document Definition table, you need to add horizontal and vertical separators to the table block of a Document Definition using the AddHSeparator and AddVSeparator methods, or detect them automatically using the DetectHorizontalSplitters and DetectHorizontalSplitters methods. Then use the CreateColumn method to add a column by specifying the coordinate at which the column will be added.

To access the table block definition, use the AsTableBlockDefinition property of the BlockDefinition object.


Name Type Description
HSeparators IntsCollection, read-only Returns the coordinates of the horizontal separators of the table block. This collection always contains at least two elements corresponding to the table block top and bottom borders.
VSeparators IntsCollection, read-only Returns the coordinates of the vertical separators of the table block. This collection always contains at least two elements corresponding to the table block right and left borders.


Name Description
AddHSeparator Adds a horizontal separator to the table block.
AddVSeparator Adds a vertical separator to the table block.
CreateColumn Creates a new column at the specified coordinate.
DeleteColumn Deletes the column at the specified coordinate.
DeleteHSeparator Deletes the horizontal separator.
DeleteVSeparator Deletes the vertical separator.
DetectHorizontalSplitters Detects horizontal separators.
DetectVerticalSplitters Detects vertical separators.
GetColumn Gets the column at the specified coordinate.
GetColumns Gets the collection of table columns.
HasColumn Indicates if there is a column at the specified coordinate.

Related objects


This object is used in the following code samples: Fixed Forms.

See also


8/15/2023 1:19:30 PM

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