DocumentDefinitions Object (IDocumentDefinitions Interface)

This object is a collection of Document Definitions. Besides standard collection methods and properties, it contains methods which allow you to manage Document Definitions and Invoice Settings.


Name Type Description
Count Integer, read-only Stores the number of elements in the collection.
Element DocumentDefinition, read-only Provides access to a single element of the collection.


Name Description
AddNew Creates a new Document Definition for semi-structured documents.
AddNewFixed Creates a new Document Definition for structured documents.
CheckIn Returns a Document Definition and invoice settings from editing mode and saves changes.
CheckOut Switches a Document Definition and invoice settings to editing mode.
Delete Deletes a Document Definition.
DeleteAll Deletes all Document Definitions.
FindByName Provides access to an element of the collection by its name.
Item Provides access to a single element of the collection.
LoadFromFile Loads a Document Definition from a .fcdot file.
UndoCheckout Returns a Document Definition and invoice settings from editing mode and discards changes.

Related objects


This object is used in the following code samples: Classification, Invoices Processing and Training, Fixed Forms.

See also



Working with Collections

Working with Properties

8/15/2023 1:19:30 PM

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