Element Property
This property provides access to a single element of an ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK collection.
Note: This property allows you to access an element of the collection using the [] operator in C#.
Visual Basic .NET
Property Element(Index As Integer) As <ObjectType>
HRESULT get_Element( int Index, <InterfaceType>** Result ); // the "put" method is available only for some collections HRESULT put_Element( int Index, I<ElementType>* Value );
- Index
- [in] This variable contains the index of the element that is accessed via this method. It must be in the range from 0 to the Number of elements - 1, where the number of elements may be received from the Count property of the same collection.
- ObjectType
- [out, retval] The type of objects in the collection. For example, for the Batches collection this type is Batch.
- Result
- [out, retval] A variable of type <InterfaceType>* that receives a pointer to the interface of the collection element. Result must not be NULL. *Result is guaranteed to be non-NULL after a successful method call. InterfaceType is the type of the interface of the objects forming the collection.
The following collection objects have this property:
- AssemblingErrors
- Batches
- BatchItems
- BatchTypes
- BlockDefinitions
- Blocks
- BlocksCollection
- BlockTypesCollection
- BusinessUnitRecords
- CheckmarkGroupBlock
- ClassificationTrainingBatches
- ClassificationTrainingDocuments
- ClassificationTrainingPages
- ConfusionMatrix
- Countries
- DataSets
- DataSetTableColumns
- DataSetTableRecords
- DocumentDefinitions
- Documents
- EnvironmentVariables
- ExportProfiles
- ExtractionModels
- FieldDefinitions
- FieldDefinitionsCollection
- FieldInstances
- FieldRegions
- Fields
- FieldsExtractionTrainingBatches
- FieldValuesCollection
- GroupLanguage
- HotFolderProfiles
- ImageEnhancementProfiles
- IntsCollection
- InvoiceFeatures
- InvoiceLanguages
- KeywordLists
- LicenseCollection
- LinksToSections
- PageClasses
- PageDefinitions
- Pages
- PredefinedLanguages
- RejectedDataSetRecords
- RegistrationParameters
- RuleErrors
- ScanSources
- SectionDefinitions
- SectionDefinitionsCollection
- StatusReasons
- StatusValues
- StringsCollection
- TableColumns
- Taxes
- TaxGroups
- TextRegions
- TextsCollection
- VendorRecords
- VerificationGroup
- VirtualFileSystemNodes
See also
15.08.2023 13:19:30