JSONExportParams Object (IJSONExportParams Interface)

This object provides functionality for tuning parameters of recognized text export to JSON format. These parameters are set in the JSONParams property of the FileExportParams object.


Name Type Description
EncodingType TextEncodingTypeEnum

Specifies the encoding type for the JSON file.

The default value of this property is TET_UTF8.

ExportErrors Boolean

Specifies if errors occurred during document processing should be written in files in JSON format.

The default value of this property is FALSE.

ExportFieldPosition Boolean

Specifies if the coordinates of field blocks are written in files in JSON format.

The default value of this property is FALSE.

MarkSuspiciousSymbols Boolean

Specifies if uncertainly recognized symbols are to be marked in files in JSON format. If the value of this property is TRUE, recognized characters in output JSON file are marked with 0 or 1, where 1 corresponds to uncertainly recognized character.

The default value of this property is FALSE.

Related objects

See also


Tuning Export Parameters

Working with Properties

15.08.2023 13:19:30

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