ImageExportParams Object (IImageExportParams Interface)

This object provides functionality for tuning parameters of original images export. These parameters are set in the ImageExportParams property of the FileExportParams object, and for unknown documents (i.e. documents to which no Document Definition has been applied or which weren't recognized) in the ExportParamsForUnknownDocuments property of the ProjectProperties object and the ExportParamsForUnknownDocuments property of the BatchTypeParams object.


Name Type Description
ColorType ImageColorTypeEnum

Specifies the color type of images (color, gray, or black-and-white).

Note: Format, ColorType and CompressionType properties are related. See the list of supported combinations below.

By default the value of this property is ICT_BlackWhite.

CompressionRatio Integer

Specifies the compression ratio for images in JPEG format. The value of this property is in range from 1 to 100.


  • The lower the ratio, the smaller the size of the exported file.
  • When exporting images to PDF, there are the following ranges of the ratio values:
    1 <= CompressionRatio <= 30 - MinSize;
    31 <= CompressionRatio < 70 - Balanced;
    70 <= CompressionRatio <= 100 - MaxQuality.
    If different CompressionRatio values fall into the same range, then the size of the exported file will be the same.

The default value of this property is 75.

CompressionType ImageCompressionTypeEnum

Specifies the image compression type.

Note: This property is useful only when the Format property is set to IFF_Tif. For other export formats it is recommended to keep CompressionType default. See the list of supported Format, ColorType and CompressionType combinations below.

The default value of this property is ICT_Default.

CreatePDFA Boolean

Specifies if a PDF/A file is to be created. PDF/A mode can be defined using the PdfAMode property.

The property is valid only if the Format property is set to IFF_Pdf.

The default value of this property is FALSE.

CreateSearchablePDF Boolean

Specifies if a searchable PDF file is to be created. The entire image is saved as a picture. The recognized text is put under it. This option is useful if you export your text to document archives: the full page layout is retained and the full-text search is available if you save in this mode.

The property is valid only if the Format property is set to IFF_Pdf.

The default value of this property is FALSE.

EnableFastWebView Boolean

Specifies if the Fast Web View should be enabled.

Fast Web View setting provides a page-at-a-time downloading of the PDF document from web servers. This can be especially important when loading large documents because otherwise it can take a long time to download them from a server.

Note: The property makes sense only for multi-page PDF files.

The property is valid only if the Format property is set to IFF_Pdf.

The default value of this property is FALSE.

FileAssemblingRule ImageFileAssemblingRuleEnum

Specifies the assembling rules for saving images.

Note: When exporting, set the value of the property to IFAR_FilePerImage for the formats which cannot be multi-page.

The default value of this property is IFAR_FilePerDocument.

Format ImageFileFormatEnum

Specifies the file format to save images in.

Note: Format, ColorType and CompressionType properties are related. See the list of supported combinations below.

By default the value of this property is IFF_Tif.

MRCPicturesInBackground Boolean

Specifies if the pictures should be saved as a part of the background when using MRC compression.

The property is valid only if the UseMRCCompression property is set to TRUE.

The default value of the property is FALSE.

OverwriteFiles Boolean

Specifies if the original image files should be overwritten.

The default value of this property is FALSE.

Note: When specifying export parameters for a Document Definition:

  1. If you want to export original images and extracted data, the property is ignored, and the FileOverwriteRule property of the FileExportParams is used instead:
    1. If the value of this property is FOR_Replace, the value of the OverwriteFiles property is TRUE.
    2. If the value of this property is not FOR_Replace, the value of the OverwriteFiles property is FALSE.
  2. If you want to export the original images only, the OverwriteFiles property is used.
Path String

Specifies the folder for saved image files.

By default the value of this property is an empty string.

PdfAMode PdfAModeEnum

Specifies the mode for the exported PDF/A file: PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-2u, PDF/A-3a, PDF/A-3b, or PDF/A-3u.

The property is valid only if the CreatePDFA property is set to TRUE.

By default, the value is PDFAM_1a.

PDFRecognitionLanguage String

Specifies recognition languages for a searchable PDF file. Additional text recognition is performed during searchable PDF file creation. As text of document fields may be written in one language, while the whole document may contain several languages, you can select recognition languages different from the languages specified in the Document Definition with the help of this property. This property may contain several language names divided by commas, for example "English,French,German".

The value of this property is taken into account only if the value of the CreateSearchablePDF property is TRUE.

Note: If the value of the property is an empty string, default languages are used. The priority of the default language is determined in the following order:

  • Document Definition;
  • batch type;
  • project;
  • locale language.

This means the language of the Document Definition has the highest priority, and the locale language has the lowest priority.

Prefix String

Specifies the prefix of saved image files names. To include project, batch, or Document Definition name into the image file name, use the <Project>, <Batch>, or <Template> elements respectively. The elements in angle brackets will be changed to corresponding values. The elements without angle brackets will be passed as is.

By default the value of this property is "<Batch>".

Resolution Integer

Specifies the resolution of images in dots per inch. The value of this property is in range from 0 to 1200.

By default the value of this property is 0, which means that the original resolution must be preserved.

UseMRCCompression Boolean

Specifies if Mixed Raster Content (MRC) compression technology should be used for PDF files.

The property is valid only if the Format property is set to IFF_Pdf.

The default value of the property is FALSE.

WriteTaggedPdf Boolean

Specifies if image should be exported to tagged PDF.

Note: Tagged PDF is a particular use of structured PDF that allows page content to be extracted and used for various purposes such as reflow of text and graphics, conversion to file formats such as HTML and XML, and accessibility to the visually impaired.

Some constraints are imposed on the value of this property:

  • The property is valid only if the Format property is set to IFF_Pdf.
  • PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-2a, and PDF/A-3a are always tagged, so this property cannot be set to FALSE if the PdfAMode property is set to PDFAM_1a, PDFAM_2a, or PDFAM_3a.
  • Other PDF/A formats are always untagged, so this property cannot be set to TRUE if the PdfAMode property is set is set to PDFAM_1b, PDFAM_2b, PDFAM_2u, PDFAM_3b, or PDFAM_3u.

This property is FALSE by default.

The list of supported combinations of the Format, ColorType and CompressionType properties

Format ColorType CompressionType
IFF_Bmp ICT_BlackWhite ICT_Default (no compression)
IFF_Dcx ICT_BlackWhite ICT_Default (PackBits compression)
IFF_Jpg ICT_Gray ICT_Default (JPEG compression)
IFF_J2k ICT_Gray ICT_Default (JPEG 2000 compression)
IFF_Pcx ICT_BlackWhite ICT_Default (PackBits compression)
IFF_Pdf ICT_BlackWhite ICT_Default (JBIG2 compression)
ICT_ABBYYLossless (lossless compression)
ICT_Gray ICT_Default (JPEG 2000 compression)
ICT_ABBYYLossless (lossless compression)
ICT_Color ICT_Default (JPEG 2000 compression)
ICT_ABBYYLossless (lossless compression)
IFF_Png ICT_BlackWhite ICT_Default (PNG compression)
IFF_Tif ICT_BlackWhite ICT_Uncompressed
ICT_Default (no compression)
ICT_Gray ICT_Uncompressed
ICT_Default (no compression)
ICT_Color ICT_Uncompressed
ICT_Default (no compression)

Related objects

See also


Tuning Export Parameters

Working with Properties

8/15/2023 1:19:30 PM

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