Field Property of the BusinessUnitRecord Object

Specifies the value of the given field in the business unit record. Before you start to use the database you need to fill the Id, Name, and CountryCode fields for each business unit (RFT_Id, RFT_Name, RFT_CountryCode constants).


Visual Basic .NET

Property Field (FieldType As RecordFieldTypeEnum) As String


HRESULT get_Field(
   RecordFieldTypeEnum FieldType,
   BSTR*               Result
    HRESULT put_Field(
   RecordFieldTypeEnum FieldType,
   BSTR                Value


[in] This parameter contains the RecordFieldTypeEnum constant corresponding to the field which should be filled in or returned. The following values are supported: RFT_City, RFT_CountryCode, RFT_Id, RFT_Name, RFT_Street, RFT_VatId, RFT_Zip.
[out, retval] A pointer to a string variable that receives the value of the field. Must not be NULL.
[in] A string variable which contains the new value of the field.

Return values

This method has no specific return values. It returns the standard return values of ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK functions.

See also


Working with Properties

15.08.2023 13:19:30

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