RejectedDataSetRecord Object (IRejectedDataSetRecord Inteface)

This object represents a record which failed to be written to the data set. The possible reasons include: non-unique primary key, some of the required fields not filled in, etc. Use the ErrorMessage property to retrieve details for each record.


Name Type Description
AsBusinessUnitRecord BusinessUnitRecord, read-only

Returns the record as a business unit record. NULL if this record is not from the business unit database.

Relevant only for invoice projects.

AsDataSetTableRecord DataSetTableRecord, read-only Returns the record as a generic data set record.
AsVendorRecord VendorRecord, read-only

Returns the record as a vendor record. NULL if this record is not from the vendor database.

Relevant only for invoice projects.

ErrorMessage String, read-only The error message which explains why this record failed to be written to the data set when the Commit method of DataSetTableRecords, VendorRecords, or BusinessUnitRecords objects was called.
RecordType InvoicesDatasetType, read-only

The type of the record in the invoice-related data sets (vendor or business unit).

Relevant only for invoice projects.

Related objects

Output parameter

This object is the output parameter of the Item method of the RejectedDataSetRecords object.

See also


Working with Properties

8/15/2023 1:19:30 PM

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