Add Method of Collection Objects

This method adds an element at the end of the collection. The method adds a reference to an existing object.


Visual Basic .NET

Sub Add(Value As <CollectionType>)


  <CollectionType> Value


[in] This parameter contains the newly added element. Its type depends on the type of collection and is described in the following table:
Collection type Element type (Visual Basic/C++)
BlockTypesCollection BlockTypeEnum/BlockTypeEnum
FieldDefinitionsCollection FieldDefinition/IFieldDefinition*
FieldValuesCollection FieldValue/IFieldValue*
IntsCollection Integer/int
RegionsCollection String/BSTR
SectionDefinitionsCollection SectionDefinition/ISectionDefinition*
StringsCollection String/BSTR
TextsCollection Text/IText

Return values

This method has no specific return values. It returns the standard return values of ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK functions.

See also

Working with Collections

15.08.2023 13:19:30

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