Project Object (IProject Interface)

This object corresponds to a project. The project contains document batches and all the settings required to process them, such as document definitions, parameters of loading images and exporting results. The document batches of the project are accessible through the Batches property, while the settings are available through the Properties and DocumentDefinitions properties. The object contains properties for accessing different project attributes such as its identifier, title, and path to the project, and provides a set of methods for document processing.

The project should be set up in ABBYY FlexiCapture, and then used with the same configuration in ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK. Most of the project's settings are read-only.

Important! You must keep the reference to the Project object while any references to the objects of the project are used. If the reference to the Project object is released and its subobjects are still in use, errors will occur. See Working with Properties for details.

The Project object is a so-called "connectable object." The methods of the Project object report information about page processing progress through special outgoing interfaces. These interfaces are IBatchEvents (for C++) and the dispinterface DIBatchEvents (for Visual Basic). It should be noted that Visual Basic users should not care for details of implementing event interfaces, as this development platform provides easy means for handling them.


Name Type Description
Batches Batches, read-only Returns the collection of batches of the project.
BatchTypes BatchTypes, read-only Returns the collection of the batch types defined in the project.
ClassifiсationTrainingBatches ClassificationTrainingBatches, read-only Returns the collection of classification training batches of the project.
Comment String, read-only Stores the text description of the project.
DocumentDefinitions DocumentDefinitions, read-only Returns the collection of document definitions of the project.
Errors StringsCollection, read-only Returns the collection of error messages. The collection includes the descriptions of the errors which occurred during the latest execution of the ImportImages, ApplyDocumentDefinitions, Recognize, or Export method. The same messages you can receive using the IBatchEvents::OnError method.
FieldsExtractionTrainingBatches FieldsExtractionTrainingBatches, read-only Returns the collection of batches for fields extraction training.
Id String, read-only Returns the identifier of the project.
LanguageDatabase PredefinedLanguages, read-only Provides access to the collection of languages of the project.
Password String, read-only Specifies the password for accessing the project.
Path String, read-only Returns the full path to the project folder.
Properties ProjectProperties, read-only Returns the properties of the project. The properties contain the parameters of image loading, results exporting, etc.
Title String, read-only Stores the name of the project.
Warnings StringsCollection, read-only Returns the collection of warning messages. The collection includes the descriptions of the warnings which occurred during the latest execution of the ImportImages, ApplyDocumentDefinitions, Recognize, or Export method. The same messages you can receive using the IBatchEvents::OnWarning method.


Name Description
ApplyDocumentDefinitions Applies Document Definitions to the documents in the specified batches.
Close Closes the project and frees resources.
CreateBatchTypeParams Creates the batch type parameters object.
Export Saves the results of project processing.
ExportToMemory Saves the results of project processing into memory.
ImportImages Imports images to the batches of the project.
Recognize Performs recognition of the documents in the specified batches of the project.
StartVerification Performs verification of the documents in the specified batches of the project.

Related objects

Output parameter

This object is the output parameter of the CreateInvoiceProject, CreateReceiptProject, OpenProject, CreateProject methods of the Engine object.


C++ (COM) code

This object is used in all code samples.

See also


Working with Properties

15.08.2023 13:19:30

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