Invoice Document Processing
ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK includes several preconfigured invoice projects, which contain general Document Definitions for invoices, and also provides various objects to configure the settings of invoice processing and retrain the Document Definition.
This section describes all the invoice-related objects:
- InvoiceSettings
- VendorRecords
- VendorRecord
- BusinessUnitRecords
- BusinessUnitRecord
- LookUpResult
- Countries
- Country
- Taxes
- Tax
- TaxGroups
- TaxGroup
- InvoiceLanguages
- InvoiceLanguage
- KeywordLists
- KeywordList
- DocumentStatus
- StatusValues
- StatusValue
- StatusReasons
- StatusReason
- InvoiceFeatures
- InvoiceFeature
See also Recognizing Invoices with ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK.
The hierarchy of the objects
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