Increasing Processing Speed

The speed of processing depends on the quality of images (see recommendations for scanning and taking photos) and on the settings used during processing.

Common recommendations

The following recommendations are common for all types of documents. No matter which documents you process, we recommend that you:

  • Load Engine object only once, process all images, and then unload Engine. Do not load and unload Engine object each time an image is processed.
  • Specify the correct recognition language and text type for each field. Incorrect recognition language and a lot of text types for a field can significantly slow down processing.

Additional settings

You may use or not use these settings depending on the type and quantity of processing documents and the result you want to receive:

  • Fixed forms are matched faster than FlexiLayouts.
  • Select Fast mode in Pre-recognition parameters for a FlexiLayout. This will speed up processing, but the quality may deteriorate.
  • You can remove a template image from a FlexiLayout. This will speed up FlexiLayout loading, but the FlexiLayout modification will be a bit inconvenient.
  • Check the integrity of document data in the code of your application using available API instead of specifying additional rules in Document Definitions.

See also

Tips for Document Scanning

Tips for Taking Photos

8/15/2023 1:19:30 PM

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