ProjectProperties Object (IProjectProperties Interface)

This object allows you to view the properties of a project: hot folder import profiles, parameters of image preprocessing during loading, results export.

The project should be set up in ABBYY FlexiCapture and used unchanged in ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK. This object does not allow you to change the project configuration.


Name Type Description
DocumentDefinitionsPath String, read-only Specifies the full path to the folder containing Document Definitions of the project.
EnvironmentVariables EnvironmentVariables, read-only Provides access to the environment variables collection.
ExportParamsForUnknownDocuments ImageExportParams, read-only

Specifies the export parameters for unknown documents, i.e. documents to which no Document Definition has been applied or which weren't recognized.

Note: When working with batch types and exporting unknown documents from a project or a batch, the export settings with which export will be performed depend on the following rule: if the batch type is different from default, the export settings of the batch type are used, otherwise, export is performed with the project export settings.

HotFolderProfiles HotFolderProfiles, read-only

Provides access to the set of hot folder import profiles of the project.

Important! The collection is read-only. Project import settings can be edited in ABBYY FlexiCapture but are read-only in ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK.

ImageEnhancementProfiles IImageEnhancementProfiles, read-only Provides access to the set of profiles for image enhancement.
ImageLoadingParams ImageLoadingParams, read-only

Returns the parameters of image preprocessing.

Important! The property is read-only. Project settings can be edited in ABBYY FlexiCapture but are read-only in ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK.

ShouldExportUnknownDocuments Boolean

Specifies if unknown documents should be exported by calling the Export method of the Project object or the Export method of the Batch object, i.e. documents to which no Document Definition has been applied or which weren't recognized.

The default value of the property is FALSE.

Related objects

See also


Working with Properties

8/15/2023 1:19:30 PM

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