Tax Object (ITax Interface)

This object specifies properties of a tax for invoice documents recognition.


Name Type Description
IsNegative Boolean Specifies if the tax is negative.
IsStandalone Boolean Indicates whether the tax is standalone (True) or included in some tax group (False). See TaxGroups.
Keywords String Keywords that can be used to recognize this tax. Multiple keywords can be specified using the vertical bar ("|") as a delimiter.
Name String Tax name. Empty by default, used only for tax grouping (see TaxGroups).
Percentages DoublesCollection

Tax percentages.

Note: The collection may be empty, for example, if the tax percentage is not fixed.


Name Description
GetStartDate Returns the date when the tax is imposed. Note that a tax may have no start date, in which case this method returns special values.
SetStartDate Sets the date when the tax is imposed.
GetEndDate Returns the date when the tax is canceled. Note that a tax may have no end date, in which case this method returns special values.
SetEndDate Sets the date when the tax is canceled.

Output parameter

This object is the output parameter of the Item, AddNew methods of the Taxes object.

See also


Working with Properties

15.08.2023 13:19:30

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