ScanSource Object (IScanSource Interface)

This object exposes a set of properties and methods concerned with scanning source.


Name Type Description
ApiType ScanSourceApiTypeEnum, read-only Returns the API type used by the scanning source (TWAIN or WIA).
AvailableOptionsInterfaceTypes int, read-only Describes the possible types of user interface for setting scanning options as a bitwise OR of ScanOptionsInterfaceTypeEnum constants.
Capabilities ScanSourceCapabilities, read-only Returns the settings that are supported by the scanning source.
Name BSTR, read-only Returns the name of the scanning source.
ScanSettings ScanSourceSettings, read-only Returns the current settings of the scanning source.
Status ScanSourceStatusEnum, read-only Returns the current status of the scanning source.


Name Description
BeginScan Starts an asynchronous scanning operation.
CancelScan Allows you to cancel an asynchronous scanning operation.
ResetSettings Resets scanning source settings to default values.
Scan Performs scanning of one or several images.

Related objects

Object Diagram

See also


Working with Properties

8/15/2023 1:19:30 PM

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