CheckmarkRecognitionParams Object (ICheckmarkRecognitionParams Interface)

This object provides functionality for tuning parameters of checkmark recognition. These parameters are used in Document Definitions and can be set using the AsCheckmarkParams method of the RecognitionParams object.


Name Type Description
CheckmarkType CheckmarkTypeEnum Specifies the type of checkmark.
ImageProcessingParams ImageProcessingParams Specifies parameters of image preprocessing inside the checkmark block. The property returns a constant object. To modify the value of the property, you must first receive an intermediate ImageProcessingParams object with the help of the IEngine::CreateImageProcessingParams, change the necessary parameters, and then assign this object to the property.
IsCorrectionEnabled Boolean Specifies if correction of the checkmark is enabled.

Related objects

Output parameter

This object is the output parameter of the AsCheckmarkParams method of the RecognitionParams object.

See also


Working with Properties

8/15/2023 1:19:30 PM

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