Alphabetical List of ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 SDK Objects and Interfaces

Below you can find the alphabetical list of the ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 SDK objects and interfaces.

Name Description
AnchorRecognitionParams Provides functionality for tuning parameters of anchor recognition.
AssemblingError Corresponds to an assembly error.
AssemblingErrors Represents a collection of assembling errors (AssemblingError objects).
BarcodeBaseRecognitionParams Provides access to the barcode detection settings.
BarcodeBlock Provides access to specific properties of the recognized barcode block.
BarcodeParams Allows you to tune type and orientation of the barcode which can be found in the document.
BarcodeRecognitionParams Provides functionality for tuning parameters of barcode recognition.
Batch Represents a document batch.
Batches Represents a collection of document batches (Batch objects).
BatchType Represents to a batch type.
BatchTypeParams Specifies the parameters of the batch type.
BatchTypes Represents a collection of batch types (BatchType objects).
Block Represents a single block on the page.
BlockDefinition Corresponds to a block of a Document Definition.
BlockDefinitions Represents a collection of blocks of a Document Definition page (BlockDefinition objects).
Blocks Represents a collection of blocks (Block objects). It serves as a storage of page blocks or a storage of child blocks of the block.
BlocksCollection Represents a collection of blocks. This is a collection of references to Block objects.
BlockTypesCollection Represents a collection of BlockTypeEnum constants.
BusinessUnitRecord Represents a record in the business unit database for invoice recognition.
BusinessUnitRecords Represents a collection of business unit database records (BusinessUnitRecord objects).
CharParams Allows you to access the parameters of a single character in recognized text.
CheckmarkBlock Provides access to specific properties of a checkmark block.
CheckmarkGroupBlock Represents a block which contains a group of checkmarks.
CheckmarkGroupRecognitionParams Provides functionality for tuning parameters of checkmark group recognition.
CheckmarkRecognitionParams Provides functionality for tuning parameters of checkmark recognition.
ClassificationTrainer Provides access to the classifier training settings.
ClassificationTrainingBatch Represents a batch for training the classifier.
ClassificationTrainingBatches Represents a collection of batches for the classifier training.
ClassificationTrainingDocument Represents the Document object for classifier training.
ClassificationTrainingDocuments Represents a collection of documents for classification.
ClassificationTrainingPage Represents the Page object for classifier training.
ClassificationTrainingPages Represents a collection of pages for classification.
ClassificationTrainingParams Provides the settings for training the classifier.
ConfusionMatrix Represents the confusion matrix for a classification model.
ContextVerificationObject Provides access to the properties of the context verification object.
Countries Collection of country settings used in invoice document recognition.
Country Specifies country-related settings for invoice documents recognition.
DataSet Represents a data set.
DataSets A collection of data sets.
DataSetTableColumn A column in the data set table.
DataSetTableColumns A collection of data set table columns.
DataSetTableRecord A record in the data set, that is, a row in the table.
DataSetTableRecords A collection of records in the data set table.
DBFExportParams Provides functionality for tuning the parameters of recognized text export to DBF format.
DenoiseFilterParams Contains parameters of the ISO noise detected on a color photo.
Dictionary This object is designed for working with user dictionaries.
Document Corresponds to a processing document.
DocumentDefinition Corresponds to a Document Definition.
DocumentDefinitions Represents a collection of Document Definitions (DocumentDefinition objects).
Documents Represents a collection of batch documents (Document objects).
DocumentStatus Provides document statuses and their details.
DoublesCollection Represents a collection of Double type variables.
Engine This is the main ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 SDK object.
EnumDictionaryWords Serves for iterating words included in a user-defined dictionary.
EnvironmentVariable Represents an environment variable.
EnvironmentVariables Represents a collection of environment variables.
ExcelExportParams Provides functionality for tuning parameters of recognized text export to XLS or XLSX format.
ExportParams Provides functionality for tuning the parameters of export.
ExportProfile Represents an export profile.
ExportProfiles Represents a collection of export profiles (ExportProfile objects).
ExtractionModel Represents an extraction model.
ExtractionModels Represents a collection of extraction models (ExtractionModel objects).
Field Corresponds to a field of a document.
FieldChoiceValue Corresponds to a recognized value of a choice field.
FieldDefinition Corresponds to a field of a Document Definition.
FieldDefinitions Represents a collection of fields of a Document Definition section (FieldDefinition objects).
FieldDefinitionsCollection Represents a collection of references to field definitions (FieldDefinition objects).
FieldInstances Represents a collection of field instances (Field objects).
FieldPictureValue Corresponds to a value of a picture field.
FieldRegion Corresponds to a field region.
FieldRegions Represents a collection of field regions (FieldRegion objects).
Fields Represents a collection of recognized fields (Field objects).
FieldValue Corresponds to a recognized value of a field.
FieldValuesCollection Represents a collection of field values (FieldValue objects).
FileExportParams Provides functionality for tuning the parameters of export to file.
FlexibleDescription Corresponds to a flexible description.
FullTextRecognitionParams Provides access to full text recognition parameters for a batch type.
GroupLanguage Represents a language composed of several simple languages.
GroupVerificationObject Provides access to the properties of the group verification object.
HotFolderProfile Represents a hot folder import profile.
HotFolderProfiles Represents a collection of hot folder profiles (HotFolderProfile objects).
IBatchEvents This is a callback interface that is used for reporting events from the Batch object to the listeners. This interface is implemented on the client side.
ICollectionEvents This is a callback interface that is used for reporting events from some collection objects to the listeners. This interface is implemented on the client side.
IEngineLoader This interface is used specifically to load and unload the Engine object.
Image Represents a single "image plane" (black-and-white, color or preview) of an open image.
ImageDocument Corresponds to an image page.
ImageEnhancementProfile Represents an image enhancement profile exported from the ABBYY FlexiCapture.
ImageEnhancementProfiles Represents a collection of image enhancement profiles exported from ABBYY FlexiCapture.
ImageExportParams Provides functionality for tuning parameters of original images export.
ImageFile Represents an image file.
ImageGroupingParams Allows tuning the parameters that determine the principles of adding images to documents.
ImageImportParams Allows you to tune the parameters of images import.
ImageLoadingParams Contains different attributes specifying how an image will be prepared during adding to a batch.
ImageModification Stores parameters of image modification.
ImageProcessingParams Specifies how a block image is to be preprocessed before recognition.
ImageProcessingTools Allows you to preprocess images before recognition.
InprocLoader Allows you to load ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 SDK as an in-process server into the current process.
IntsCollection Represents a collection of Integer type variables.
InvoiceFeature Represents a feature of an invoice document.
InvoiceFeatures Collection of invoice document features.
InvoiceLanguage Provides settings for languages used in the invoice documents recognition.
InvoiceLanguages Collection of settings for languages used in the invoice documents recognition.
InvoiceSettings Provides a configuration interface for an invoice project.
IReadStream This is the interface for a read stream. This interface and all its methods are implemented on the client side.
IWorkProcessControl This interface is used by a work process to control whether its parent process is alive.
IWriteStream This is the interface for a write stream. This interface and all its methods are implemented on the client side.
JSONExportParams Provides functionality for tuning parameters of recognized text export to JSON format.
KeywordList Specifies keyword lists for languages used in the invoice documents recognition.
KeywordLists Collection of keyword lists for languages used in the invoice documents recognition.
Language Represents a recognition language.
License Stores information about the current license.
LicenseCollection A collection of available (activated) licenses (License objects).
LinksToSections A collection of links between the class and the document definition sections.
LinkToSection A link between the class and the document definition section or section variant.
LookUpResult Represents a collection of data entries that were found in the vendor/business unit database by the search methods of the BusinessUnitRecords and VendorRecords objects.
MultiProcessingParams Provides access to the parameters of multiprocessing and multiple CPU cores usage.
NlpModels Represents the collection of entity extraction models and the handler of segmentation model.
OfficeConverterSettings Contains the settings used to import digital documents of various formats using the same methods which open the input images.
OutprocLoader Allows you to load ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 SDK as an out-of-process server into a separate process.
Page Corresponds to a page of a document.
PageAnalysisParams Provides access to parameters used for tuning the page layout analysis process.
PageClass Represents one of the classes into which the pages may be classified.
PageClasses Represents a collection of page classes for classification.
PageDefinition Corresponds to a page of a Document Definition.
PageDefinitions Represents a collection of Document Definition pages (PageDefinition objects).
Pages Represents a collection of document pages (Page objects).
PictureRecognitionParams Provides functionality for tuning parameters of pictures recognition.
PredefinedLanguages Represents a collection of project languages (Language objects).
Project Corresponds to a project.
ProjectProperties Provides access to the properties of a project.
RecognitionParams Allows you to tune the recognition parameters for the block.
RecognizedCharacterInfo Represents a variant of a character recognition.
RecognizedWordInfo Represents a variant of a word recognition.
Rectangle Represents the coordinates of a rectangle.
Region Stores the information about the region of a block.
RegistrationParameter Corresponds to a certain registration parameter.
RegistrationParameters Represents a collection of registration parameters specified for documents or batches.
RejectedDataSetRecord A record that failed to be written to the data set table during the call to the Commit method.
RejectedDataSetRecords A collection of records that failed to be written to the data set.
Rule Corresponds to a rule.
RuleError Corresponds to a rule error.
RuleErrors Represents a collection of rule errors (RuleError objects).
ScanManager This object exposes a set of properties and methods required to perform scanning.
ScanSource Exposes a set of properties and methods concerned with scanning source.
ScanSourceCapabilities Provides access to possible settings of the scanning source.
ScanSources Represents a collection of scanning sources.
ScanSourceSettings This object provides access to the scanning settings of a source.
SectionDefinition Corresponds to a section of a Document Definition.
SectionDefinitions This object is a collection of sections of a Document Definition (SectionDefinition objects).
SectionDefinitionsCollection This object is a collection of section definitions. This collection is a collection of references to SectionDefinition objects.
SegmentationModel Represents a segmentation model.
SegmentationModelHandler Represents a segmentation model handler.
SeparatorRecognitionParams Provides functionality for tuning parameters of separators recognition.
SimpleLanguage Represents a simple recognition language.
SourceImageInfo Provides information about the source of the image processed.
StaticTextRecognitionParams Provides functionality for tuning parameters of static text recognition.
StatusReason Provides additional details on invoice document status.
StatusReasons Collection of reasons providing details on invoice document status.
StatusValue Represents a document status.
StatusValues Collection of document statuses.
StringsCollection Represents a collection of strings.
TableBlock Provides access to specific properties of a table block.
TableBlockDefinition Represents a table block of a Document Definition.
TableColumn Provides access to specific properties of a table column.
TableColumns Represents a collection of columns (TableColumn objects).
Tax Specifies properties of a tax for invoice documents recognition.
Taxes Collection of country tax specifications used in invoice document recognition.
TaxGroup Represents a tax group.
TaxGroups Collection of tax groups used in invoice document recognition.
Text Represents recognized text.
TextBlock Provides access to the specific properties of the text block.
TextExportParams Provides functionality for tuning parameters of recognized text export to TXT or CSV format.
TextRecognitionParams Allows you to tune the recognition parameters of the text.
TextRegion Represents a background text region on the recognized page.
TextRegions This object is a collection of text regions on the page (TextRegion objects).
TrainingResults Represents the results of the classifier training.
ValidationResults Represents the detailed result of checking the training model's performance.
VendorRecord Represents a record in the vendor database for invoice recognition.
VendorRecords Represents a collection of vendor database records (VendorRecord objects).
VerificationGroup Represents a verification group.
VerificationObject Represents a verification object.
VerificationOptions Represents verification parameters.
VerificationSession Corresponds to a verification session.
VerificationWorkSet Represents a verification work set.
VirtualFileSystemNode Represents a node of a virtual file system.
VirtualFileSystemNodes Represents a collection of virtual file system nodes (VirtualFileSystemNode objects).
XMLExportParams Provides functionality for tuning parameters of recognized text export to XML format.

15.08.2023 13:19:30

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