Alphabetical List of ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 SDK Objects and Interfaces
Below you can find the alphabetical list of the ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 SDK objects and interfaces.
Name | Description |
AnchorRecognitionParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of anchor recognition. |
AssemblingError | Corresponds to an assembly error. |
AssemblingErrors | Represents a collection of assembling errors (AssemblingError objects). |
BarcodeBaseRecognitionParams | Provides access to the barcode detection settings. |
BarcodeBlock | Provides access to specific properties of the recognized barcode block. |
BarcodeParams | Allows you to tune type and orientation of the barcode which can be found in the document. |
BarcodeRecognitionParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of barcode recognition. |
Batch | Represents a document batch. |
Batches | Represents a collection of document batches (Batch objects). |
BatchType | Represents to a batch type. |
BatchTypeParams | Specifies the parameters of the batch type. |
BatchTypes | Represents a collection of batch types (BatchType objects). |
Block | Represents a single block on the page. |
BlockDefinition | Corresponds to a block of a Document Definition. |
BlockDefinitions | Represents a collection of blocks of a Document Definition page (BlockDefinition objects). |
Blocks | Represents a collection of blocks (Block objects). It serves as a storage of page blocks or a storage of child blocks of the block. |
BlocksCollection | Represents a collection of blocks. This is a collection of references to Block objects. |
BlockTypesCollection | Represents a collection of BlockTypeEnum constants. |
BusinessUnitRecord | Represents a record in the business unit database for invoice recognition. |
BusinessUnitRecords | Represents a collection of business unit database records (BusinessUnitRecord objects). |
CharParams | Allows you to access the parameters of a single character in recognized text. |
CheckmarkBlock | Provides access to specific properties of a checkmark block. |
CheckmarkGroupBlock | Represents a block which contains a group of checkmarks. |
CheckmarkGroupRecognitionParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of checkmark group recognition. |
CheckmarkRecognitionParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of checkmark recognition. |
ClassificationTrainer | Provides access to the classifier training settings. |
ClassificationTrainingBatch | Represents a batch for training the classifier. |
ClassificationTrainingBatches | Represents a collection of batches for the classifier training. |
ClassificationTrainingDocument | Represents the Document object for classifier training. |
ClassificationTrainingDocuments | Represents a collection of documents for classification. |
ClassificationTrainingPage | Represents the Page object for classifier training. |
ClassificationTrainingPages | Represents a collection of pages for classification. |
ClassificationTrainingParams | Provides the settings for training the classifier. |
ConfusionMatrix | Represents the confusion matrix for a classification model. |
ContextVerificationObject | Provides access to the properties of the context verification object. |
Countries | Collection of country settings used in invoice document recognition. |
Country | Specifies country-related settings for invoice documents recognition. |
DataSet | Represents a data set. |
DataSets | A collection of data sets. |
DataSetTableColumn | A column in the data set table. |
DataSetTableColumns | A collection of data set table columns. |
DataSetTableRecord | A record in the data set, that is, a row in the table. |
DataSetTableRecords | A collection of records in the data set table. |
DBFExportParams | Provides functionality for tuning the parameters of recognized text export to DBF format. |
DenoiseFilterParams | Contains parameters of the ISO noise detected on a color photo. |
Dictionary | This object is designed for working with user dictionaries. |
Document | Corresponds to a processing document. |
DocumentDefinition | Corresponds to a Document Definition. |
DocumentDefinitions | Represents a collection of Document Definitions (DocumentDefinition objects). |
Documents | Represents a collection of batch documents (Document objects). |
DocumentStatus | Provides document statuses and their details. |
DoublesCollection | Represents a collection of Double type variables. |
Engine | This is the main ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 SDK object. |
EnumDictionaryWords | Serves for iterating words included in a user-defined dictionary. |
EnvironmentVariable | Represents an environment variable. |
EnvironmentVariables | Represents a collection of environment variables. |
ExcelExportParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of recognized text export to XLS or XLSX format. |
ExportParams | Provides functionality for tuning the parameters of export. |
ExportProfile | Represents an export profile. |
ExportProfiles | Represents a collection of export profiles (ExportProfile objects). |
ExtractionModel | Represents an extraction model. |
ExtractionModels | Represents a collection of extraction models (ExtractionModel objects). |
Field | Corresponds to a field of a document. |
FieldChoiceValue | Corresponds to a recognized value of a choice field. |
FieldDefinition | Corresponds to a field of a Document Definition. |
FieldDefinitions | Represents a collection of fields of a Document Definition section (FieldDefinition objects). |
FieldDefinitionsCollection | Represents a collection of references to field definitions (FieldDefinition objects). |
FieldInstances | Represents a collection of field instances (Field objects). |
FieldPictureValue | Corresponds to a value of a picture field. |
FieldRegion | Corresponds to a field region. |
FieldRegions | Represents a collection of field regions (FieldRegion objects). |
Fields | Represents a collection of recognized fields (Field objects). |
FieldValue | Corresponds to a recognized value of a field. |
FieldValuesCollection | Represents a collection of field values (FieldValue objects). |
FileExportParams | Provides functionality for tuning the parameters of export to file. |
FlexibleDescription | Corresponds to a flexible description. |
FullTextRecognitionParams | Provides access to full text recognition parameters for a batch type. |
GroupLanguage | Represents a language composed of several simple languages. |
GroupVerificationObject | Provides access to the properties of the group verification object. |
HotFolderProfile | Represents a hot folder import profile. |
HotFolderProfiles | Represents a collection of hot folder profiles (HotFolderProfile objects). |
IBatchEvents | This is a callback interface that is used for reporting events from the Batch object to the listeners. This interface is implemented on the client side. |
ICollectionEvents | This is a callback interface that is used for reporting events from some collection objects to the listeners. This interface is implemented on the client side. |
IEngineLoader | This interface is used specifically to load and unload the Engine object. |
Image | Represents a single "image plane" (black-and-white, color or preview) of an open image. |
ImageDocument | Corresponds to an image page. |
ImageEnhancementProfile | Represents an image enhancement profile exported from the ABBYY FlexiCapture. |
ImageEnhancementProfiles | Represents a collection of image enhancement profiles exported from ABBYY FlexiCapture. |
ImageExportParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of original images export. |
ImageFile | Represents an image file. |
ImageGroupingParams | Allows tuning the parameters that determine the principles of adding images to documents. |
ImageImportParams | Allows you to tune the parameters of images import. |
ImageLoadingParams | Contains different attributes specifying how an image will be prepared during adding to a batch. |
ImageModification | Stores parameters of image modification. |
ImageProcessingParams | Specifies how a block image is to be preprocessed before recognition. |
ImageProcessingTools | Allows you to preprocess images before recognition. |
InprocLoader | Allows you to load ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 SDK as an in-process server into the current process. |
IntsCollection | Represents a collection of Integer type variables. |
InvoiceFeature | Represents a feature of an invoice document. |
InvoiceFeatures | Collection of invoice document features. |
InvoiceLanguage | Provides settings for languages used in the invoice documents recognition. |
InvoiceLanguages | Collection of settings for languages used in the invoice documents recognition. |
InvoiceSettings | Provides a configuration interface for an invoice project. |
IReadStream | This is the interface for a read stream. This interface and all its methods are implemented on the client side. |
IWorkProcessControl | This interface is used by a work process to control whether its parent process is alive. |
IWriteStream | This is the interface for a write stream. This interface and all its methods are implemented on the client side. |
JSONExportParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of recognized text export to JSON format. |
KeywordList | Specifies keyword lists for languages used in the invoice documents recognition. |
KeywordLists | Collection of keyword lists for languages used in the invoice documents recognition. |
Language | Represents a recognition language. |
License | Stores information about the current license. |
LicenseCollection | A collection of available (activated) licenses (License objects). |
LinksToSections | A collection of links between the class and the document definition sections. |
LinkToSection | A link between the class and the document definition section or section variant. |
LookUpResult | Represents a collection of data entries that were found in the vendor/business unit database by the search methods of the BusinessUnitRecords and VendorRecords objects. |
MultiProcessingParams | Provides access to the parameters of multiprocessing and multiple CPU cores usage. |
NlpModels | Represents the collection of entity extraction models and the handler of segmentation model. |
OfficeConverterSettings | Contains the settings used to import digital documents of various formats using the same methods which open the input images. |
OutprocLoader | Allows you to load ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 SDK as an out-of-process server into a separate process. |
Page | Corresponds to a page of a document. |
PageAnalysisParams | Provides access to parameters used for tuning the page layout analysis process. |
PageClass | Represents one of the classes into which the pages may be classified. |
PageClasses | Represents a collection of page classes for classification. |
PageDefinition | Corresponds to a page of a Document Definition. |
PageDefinitions | Represents a collection of Document Definition pages (PageDefinition objects). |
Pages | Represents a collection of document pages (Page objects). |
PictureRecognitionParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of pictures recognition. |
PredefinedLanguages | Represents a collection of project languages (Language objects). |
Project | Corresponds to a project. |
ProjectProperties | Provides access to the properties of a project. |
RecognitionParams | Allows you to tune the recognition parameters for the block. |
RecognizedCharacterInfo | Represents a variant of a character recognition. |
RecognizedWordInfo | Represents a variant of a word recognition. |
Rectangle | Represents the coordinates of a rectangle. |
Region | Stores the information about the region of a block. |
RegistrationParameter | Corresponds to a certain registration parameter. |
RegistrationParameters | Represents a collection of registration parameters specified for documents or batches. |
RejectedDataSetRecord | A record that failed to be written to the data set table during the call to the Commit method. |
RejectedDataSetRecords | A collection of records that failed to be written to the data set. |
Rule | Corresponds to a rule. |
RuleError | Corresponds to a rule error. |
RuleErrors | Represents a collection of rule errors (RuleError objects). |
ScanManager | This object exposes a set of properties and methods required to perform scanning. |
ScanSource | Exposes a set of properties and methods concerned with scanning source. |
ScanSourceCapabilities | Provides access to possible settings of the scanning source. |
ScanSources | Represents a collection of scanning sources. |
ScanSourceSettings | This object provides access to the scanning settings of a source. |
SectionDefinition | Corresponds to a section of a Document Definition. |
SectionDefinitions | This object is a collection of sections of a Document Definition (SectionDefinition objects). |
SectionDefinitionsCollection | This object is a collection of section definitions. This collection is a collection of references to SectionDefinition objects. |
SegmentationModel | Represents a segmentation model. |
SegmentationModelHandler | Represents a segmentation model handler. |
SeparatorRecognitionParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of separators recognition. |
SimpleLanguage | Represents a simple recognition language. |
SourceImageInfo | Provides information about the source of the image processed. |
StaticTextRecognitionParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of static text recognition. |
StatusReason | Provides additional details on invoice document status. |
StatusReasons | Collection of reasons providing details on invoice document status. |
StatusValue | Represents a document status. |
StatusValues | Collection of document statuses. |
StringsCollection | Represents a collection of strings. |
TableBlock | Provides access to specific properties of a table block. |
TableBlockDefinition | Represents a table block of a Document Definition. |
TableColumn | Provides access to specific properties of a table column. |
TableColumns | Represents a collection of columns (TableColumn objects). |
Tax | Specifies properties of a tax for invoice documents recognition. |
Taxes | Collection of country tax specifications used in invoice document recognition. |
TaxGroup | Represents a tax group. |
TaxGroups | Collection of tax groups used in invoice document recognition. |
Text | Represents recognized text. |
TextBlock | Provides access to the specific properties of the text block. |
TextExportParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of recognized text export to TXT or CSV format. |
TextRecognitionParams | Allows you to tune the recognition parameters of the text. |
TextRegion | Represents a background text region on the recognized page. |
TextRegions | This object is a collection of text regions on the page (TextRegion objects). |
TrainingResults | Represents the results of the classifier training. |
ValidationResults | Represents the detailed result of checking the training model's performance. |
VendorRecord | Represents a record in the vendor database for invoice recognition. |
VendorRecords | Represents a collection of vendor database records (VendorRecord objects). |
VerificationGroup | Represents a verification group. |
VerificationObject | Represents a verification object. |
VerificationOptions | Represents verification parameters. |
VerificationSession | Corresponds to a verification session. |
VerificationWorkSet | Represents a verification work set. |
VirtualFileSystemNode | Represents a node of a virtual file system. |
VirtualFileSystemNodes | Represents a collection of virtual file system nodes (VirtualFileSystemNode objects). |
XMLExportParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of recognized text export to XML format. |
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