Tuning Export Parameters
You can save recognized data to a file in XLS, XLSX, DBF, TXT, CSV, XML, or JSON format, or save an electronic copy of your document, e.g. in PDF, PDF/A format.
The parameters of export to file can be specified via the FileExportParams object. This object is a subobject of the ExportParams object which is used in the export methods of the Project and Batch objects and in the AddNew method of the ExportProfiles object.
For each supported data export format, FileExportParams object provides a corresponding export parameter subobject. These are:
- ExcelExportParams for XLS, XLSX formats;
- DBFExportParams for DBF format;
- TextExportParams for TXT and CSV formats;
- XMLExportParams for XML format;
- JSONExportParams for JSON format.
To save an electronic copy of your documents, you can use the ImageExportParams object. The parameters of export are set in the ImageExportParams property of the FileExportParams object.
You also have an opportunity to export documents that haven't been recognized or to which no Document Definition has been applied. For doing that, use the ShouldExportUnknownDocuments property of the ProjectProperties or BatchTypeParams objects. Export parameters for exporting such unknown documents are specified by the ExportParamsForUnknownDocuments properties. Note that the export parameters of the batch type to which the batch with exported documents belongs have a higher priority than export parameters of the project.
Saving to XLS, XLSX, DBF, TXT, CSV, XML, and JSON formats
- Create a FileExportParams object using the CreateFileExportParams method of the Engine object, or receive it via the FileExportParams property of the ExportParams object.
- Specify the required export format with the help of the IFileExportParams::FileFormat property.
- Use the DBFParams, ExcelParams, TextParams, XMLParams, or JSONParams property of the FileExportParams object to set the parameters of export to the specified format.
- Export the file using Export method of the Project object.
C# code
Saving to PDF (PDF/A) format
- Create a FileExportParams object using the CreateFileExportParams method of the Engine object, or receive it via the FileExportParams property of the ExportParams object.
- Set the ExportOriginalImages property of the FileExportParams object to TRUE.
- Set the Format property of the ImageExportParams object to IFF_Pdf.
- Set the CreateSearchablePDF property of the ImageExportParams object to TRUE.
- Export PDF file using Export method of the Project object.
C# code
See also
Processing with a Preconfigured ABBYY FlexiCapture Project. Step 5: Export Result
8/15/2023 1:19:30 PM