Country Object (ICountry Interface)

This object specifies country-related settings for invoice documents recognition.


Name Type Description
Alpha2Code String

ISO alpha-2 country code.

Note: You can change this property only for the countries that were added using the AddNew method of the Countries collection. For predefined countries, this property is read-only.

BankAccountKeywords String Keywords indicating a bank account number. Multiple keywords can be specified using the vertical bar ("|") as a delimiter.
BankAccountRegExp String The regular expression matching bank account numbers.
BankCodeKeywords String Keywords indicating a bank code. Multiple keywords can be specified using the vertical bar ("|") as a delimiter.
BankCodeRegExp String The regular expression matching bank codes.
CurrencyNames String Accepted currency names. Multiple names can be specified using the vertical bar ("|") as a delimiter.
DecimalMarkers String Characters used as a decimal separator. Multiple separator characters can be specified using the vertical bar ("|") as a delimiter.
DigitGroupingMarks String Characters used as digit grouping marks. Multiple digit grouping characters can be specified using the vertical bar ("|") as a delimiter.
IbanBody String International bank account number body.
IbanKeywords String Keywords indicating an IBAN code. Multiple keywords can be specified using the vertical bar ("|") as a delimiter.
IbanPrefix String International bank account number prefix.
IbanRecognizedPrefix String IBAN prefix recognition variants. Multiple prefixes can be specified using the vertical bar ("|") as a delimiter.
IsEnabled Boolean Specifies whether this country is enabled during processing.
Languages StringsCollection, read-only Names of recognition languages.
Name String

Country name.

Note: You can change this property only for the countries that were added using the AddNew method of the Countries collection. For predefined countries, this property is read-only.

NationalVatIdKeywords String Keywords indicating a national VAT identifier. Multiple keywords can be specified using the vertical bar ("|") as a delimiter.
NationalVatIdRegExp String The regular expression matching national VAT identifiers. Specify several regular expressions if needed, using the vertical bar ("|") as a delimiter.
Taxes Taxes, read-only Specifies country taxes.
TaxGroups TaxGroups, read-only Specifies tax groups.
TaxRateLabelKeywords String Keywords indicating tax rate. Multiple keywords can be specified using the vertical bar ("|") as a delimiter.
TotalLabelKeywords String Keywords indicating total sum. Multiple keywords can be specified using the vertical bar ("|") as a delimiter.
TotalNettoLabelKeywords String Keywords indicating netto amount. Multiple keywords can be specified using the vertical bar ("|") as a delimiter.
TotalTaxLabelKeywords String Keywords indicating amount of tax. Multiple keywords can be specified using the vertical bar ("|") as a delimiter.
VatIdBody String VAT identifier body.
VatIdKeywords String Keywords indicating a VAT identifier. Multiple keywords can be specified using the vertical bar ("|") as a delimiter.
VatIdPrefix String VAT identifier prefix.
VatIdRecognizedPrefix String VAT prefix recognition variants. Multiple prefixes can be specified using the vertical bar ("|") as a delimiter.


Name Description
AddRecognitionLanguage Add a recognition language to Languages.
DeleteRecognitionLanguage Remove a recognition language from Languages.
Disable Disables the country in the settings of invoice processing.
Enable Enables the country in the settings of invoice processing.

Related objects

Output parameter

This object is the output parameter of the Item, AddNew methods of the Countries object.

See also


Working with Properties

15.08.2023 13:19:30

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