PageAnalysisParams Object (IPageAnalysisParams Interface)

This object provides access to parameters used for tuning the page layout analysis process. You can configure document analysis using the PageAnalysisParams property of the DocumentDefinition object.


Name Type Description
CachePrerecognitionResults Boolean This property set to TRUE tells ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK to cache prerecognition results to speed up some operations. The default value of this property is FALSE.
DetectClockwiseOrientation Boolean If this property is set to TRUE, the page orientation is detected during layout analysis, and if the image is rotated clockwise from its normal orientation, ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK automatically rotates the image. The default value of this property is FALSE.
DetectCounterclockwiseOrientation Boolean If this property is set to TRUE, the page orientation is detected during layout analysis, and if the image is rotated counterclockwise from its normal orientation, ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK automatically rotates the image. The default value of this property is FALSE.
DetectUpsidedownOrientation Boolean If this property is set to TRUE, the page orientation is detected during layout analysis, and if it is upside down, ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK automatically rotates the image. The default value of this property is FALSE.
MaxHorizontalShrinkPercent Integer Specifies the maximum percentage of Document Definition shrinking by width. By default the value of this property is 10%.
MaxHorizontalStretchPercent Integer Specifies the maximum percentage of Document Definition stretching by width. By default the value of this property is 10%.
MaxVerticalShrinkPercent Integer Specifies the maximum percentage of Document Definition shrinking by height. By default the value of this property is 10%.
MaxVerticalStretchPercent Integer Specifies the maximum percentage of Document Definition stretching by height. By default the value of this property is 10%.
PrescaleOnAnchors Boolean This property set to TRUE enables image scaling using anchors. The default value of this property is TRUE.
PrescaleOnText Boolean This property set to TRUE enables image scaling using text lines. The default value of this property is FALSE.
VerticalScanned Boolean This property set to TRUE tells ABBYY FlexiCapture SDK to use special algorithms to despeckle vertical scanned images. The default value of this property is TRUE.


Name Description
CopyFrom Initializes properties of the current object with values of similar properties of another object.

Related objects

Output parameter

This object is the output parameter of the CreatePageAnalysisParams method of the Engine object.

See also


Working with Properties

15.08.2023 13:19:30

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