Saving the results via the command line

Requires a suitable ABBYY FineReader license.

Using the command line to save the conversion results on program launch

To convert any scanned documents, PDF files, and/or image files to editable formats and save the results, execute the following command:

FineCmd.exe <ImageSourceCommands> <RecognitionCommands> <ExportCommands> <OtherCommands>


The path to the FineCmd.exe file in the program installation folder.

If the full path to the file contains spaces, put it in quotation marks.

<ImageSourceCommands> - source documents for recognition For more information, see Command line parameters for converting documents.
<RecognitionCommands> - recognition parameters For more information, see Command line parameters for converting documents.
<ExportCommands> - saving the results /out Out.Ext

Out.Ext is the path to the file that contains the recognition results, where .Ext is the file extension. If a file with this name already exists, it will be modified instead.

For a list of supported file formats, see Supported document formats.

<OtherCommands> /report ReportFile Creates a report about the completed conversion task.  ReportFile is the path to the report file.

Sample command:

“C:\Program Files (x86)\ABBYY FineReader 15\FineCmd.exe” D:\Documents\Document1.pdf /lang French /out D:\Documents\Result.docx /report D:\Documents\ReportFile

The above command will use the OCR Editor to convert and save a French-language file called Document1.pdf into a file called Result.docx. A report file called ReportFile will also be created.

Using the command line to save the comparison results on program launch

To compare of two versions of a document and save the result, execute the following command:

Comparator.exe /compare <ImageSourceCommands> <ComparisonCommands> <ExportCommands>

Comparator.exe /compare Comparator.exe is the path to the Comparator.exe file in the program installation folder.
<ImageSourceCommands> - documents to be compared For more information, see Command line parameters for comparing documents.
<ComparisonCommands> - comparison settings For more information, see Command line parameters for comparing documents.
<ExportCommands> - saving the results /saveFile:Out.Ext

Out.Ext is the path to the file that contains the comparison results, where .Ext is the file extension. If a file with this name already exists, it will be modified instead.

The file extension should be in line with the save results mode formats.

For a list of supported formats, see Supported document formats.


Save comparison results mode. Replace "SaveMode" with one of the following:

  • PdfDocument1 - saves the first document in PDF format and adds a comment for every difference;
  • PdfDocument2 - saves the second document in PDF format and adds a comment for every difference;
  • Word - saves a list of differences as a Microsoft Word table.

Sample command:

“C:\Program Files (x86)\ABBYY FineReader 15\Comparator.exe” /compare /file1:D:\Documents\Document1.pdf /file2:D:\Documents\Document2.pdf /lang:French /recMode:AutoChoose /options:IgnorePunctDiff,UngroupDiff /saveFile:D:\Documents\Comparison.docx /saveMode:Word

The above command will launch a comparison of the French-language documents Document1.pdf and Document2.pdf. The program will automatically determine whether to use OCR or the existing PDF text. ABBYY Compare Documents will ignore all punctuation differences, will not group any differences it finds, and will save the comparison results in a file called Comparison.docx (as a table).

3/4/2022 7:13:07 AM

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