Opening images and PDF documents

ABBYY FineReader allows you to open PDF and image files in any of the supported formats.

Complete the following steps to open an image or PDF file:

  1. In the OCR Editor, click on the main toolbar or click File > Open Image....
  2. In the dialog box that opens, select one or more image or PDF files.
  3. If you select a file that contains multiple pages, you can specify a range of pages to open.
  4. Select Automatically process page images as they are added if you want the image to be processed automatically.

Tip. You can specify which manipulations the program should perform on the image, e.g. what image defects should be rectified or whether the document should be analyzed and recognized automatically. To specify image processing options, click the Options... button. See Image processing options for details.

If an OCR project is already open when you open new pages, the selected pages will be appended to the end of this project. If no OCR project is currently open, a new one will be created from the selected pages.

For more information on working with pages and OCR projects, see OCR projects.

Access to some PDF files may be restricted by their authors. Such restrictions include password protection and restrictions on opening the document or copying its content. When opening such files, ABBYY FineReader will request a password. 

3/4/2022 7:13:07 AM

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