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Sending OCR results to Kindle
ABBYY FineReader allows you to send OCR results to the Kindle.com server, where they will be converted into the Kindle format and made available for download onto your Kindle device.
To use this feature, you need a Kindle account on Kindle.com.
- Click the arrow next to the Save As button on the main toolbar and then click Send to Amazon Kindle....
- In the dialog box that opens, specify:
- The address of your Kindle account
- One of the three saving options: save all pages to one file, save each page to a separate file, or split the document into files based on blank pages
- A name for the file
- Click OK.
An e-mail message with an attachment (or attachments) will be created. Send this e-mail message to Kindle.com and the converted file will soon be available for download onto your Kindle device.
04.03.2022 7:13:07