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Abbreviation A shortened form of a word or phrase (e.g. MS-DOS for Microsoft Disk Operating System, UN for United Nations, etc.).
ABBYY FineReader task A set of consecutive steps the program needs to perform in order to process a document. ABBYY FineReader PDF 15 includes a number of built-in tasks for the most common document processing needs. Users can also create their own custom tasks. Built-in tasks can be launched in the New Task window.
ABBYY Hot Folder A scheduling agent that allows users to select a folder with images and specify the time for processing the images in this folder. ABBYY FineReader will automatically process the images from the selected folder.
ABBYY Screenshot Reader An application that enables users to create screenshots and recognize texts on them.
activation The process of obtaining a special code from ABBYY allowing the user to use his/her copy of the product in full mode on a given computer.
active area The currently selected area on an image. An active area can be deleted, moved or modified. To make an area active, click it. The frame enclosing an active area is bold and has sizing handles that can be dragged to change its size.
ADF (Automatic Document Feeder) A device that automatically feeds documents to a scanner. A scanner with an ADF can scan multiple pages without manual intervention. ABBYY FineReader can work with multi-page documents.
ADRT (Adaptive Document Recognition Technology) A technology that increases the quality of conversion of multi-page documents. For example, it can recognize such elements as headings, headers and footers, footnotes, page numbering, and signatures.
area A section of an image enclosed by a frame and containing a certain type of data. Before performing OCR, ABBYY FineReader detects text, picture, table, and barcode areas in order to determine which sections of the image should be recognized and in what order.
area template A template that contains information about the size and locations of the areas in similar-looking documents.
Automated Tasks A task managing component of ABBYY FineReader PDF 15 that allows you to create, set up, and launch ABBYY FineReader tasks.
background picture area An image area that contains a picture with text printed over it.
barcode area An image area that contains a barcode.
base form The form of a word to which endings, prefixes or suffixes are added.
brightness An image parameter that reflects the amount of white in an image. Increasing brightness makes the image "whiter". Specifying a suitable brightness value increases recognition quality. See also: Scanning tips.
code page A table of correspondences between characters and their codes. Users can select the characters they need from those available in a code page.
color mode A mode that determines whether document colors are to be retained. Black-and-white images produce smaller OCR projects and are faster to process.
compound word A word made up of two or more existing words. In ABBYY FineReader, a compound word is a word that the program cannot find in its dictionary but which it can create from two or more dictionary words.
document analysis The process of identifying the logical structure of a document and areas that contain various types of data. Document analysis can be carried out automatically or manually.
Document Open password A password that prevents users from opening a PDF document unless they type the password specified by the author.
dpi (dots per inch) A measure of image resolution.
document type A parameter that tells the program how the original text was printed (e.g. on a laser printer, on a typewriter, etc.). For laser-printed texts, select Auto, for typewritten texts, select Typewriter, for faxes, select Fax.
driver A software program that controls a computer peripheral (e.g., a scanner, a monitor, etc.).
font effects The appearance of a font (e.g. bold, italic, underlined, strikethrough, subscript, superscript, small caps).
headers and footers Images or text in the top or bottom margin of a page. Headers are located at the top of the page and footers are located at the bottom.
ignored characters Any non-letter characters found in words (e.g. syllable characters or stress marks). These characters are ignored during the spell check.
inverted image An image with white characters printed against a dark background.
keyboard shortcuts Keys or combinations of keys that trigger a specific action when pressed. Using keyboard shortcuts can significantly increase your productivity.
License Manager A utility used for managing ABBYY FineReader licenses and activating ABBYY FineReader PDF 15.
ligature A combination of two or more characters that are "stuck" together (e.g. fi, fl, ffi). Such characters are difficult for ABBYY FineReader to separate. Treating them as one character improves OCR accuracy.
low-confidence characters Characters that may have been recognized by the program incorrectly.
low-confidence words Words that contain one or more low-confidence characters.
monospaced font A font (such as Courier New) in which all characters are equally spaced. For better OCR results on monospaced fonts, on the OCR tab of the Options dialog box, select Typewriter in the Document type group of options.
OCR (Optical Character Recognition) A technology that enables computers to read text, detect pictures, tables, and other formatting elements.
OCR project A project created by ABBYY FineReader to process a document. It contains the images of the document pages, their recognized text (if any), and the program settings.
OCR project options The set of options that can be selected in the Options dialog box (click Tools>Options... to open this dialog box). These options also include user languages and patterns. OCR project options can be saved and then used in other OCR projects.
omnifont system A recognition system that recognizes characters set in any font without prior training.
optional hyphen An optional hyphen (¬) indicates exactly where a word or word combination should be split if it occurs at the end of a line (e.g. "autoformat" should be split into "auto" and "format"). ABBYY FineReader replaces all hyphens found in dictionary words with optional hyphens.
page layout The arrangement of text, tables, pictures, paragraphs, and columns on a page. The fonts, font sizes, font colors, text background, and text orientation are also part of the page layout.
paradigm All grammatical forms of a word.
pattern A set of associations between averaged character images and their respective names. Patterns are created when you train ABBYY FineReader on a specific text.
PDF (Portable Document Format) A commonly used document format. A PDF file looks the same no matter what computer it is displayed on thanks to the detailed descriptions of text, fonts, and graphics it contains.
PDF security settings Restrictions that prevent a PDF document from being opened, edited, copied or printed. These settings include document open passwords, permissions passwords, and encryption levels.
Permissions password A password that prevents other users from printing and editing a PDF document unless they type the password specified by the author. If some security settings are selected for the document, other users will not be able to change these settings until they type the password.
picture area An image area that contains a picture. This type of area may enclose an actual picture or any other object (e.g. a text fragment) that should be displayed as a picture.
product ID A product identifier that is automatically generated on the basis of the hardware configuration when activating ABBYY FineReader on a given computer. It does not contain any personal information or information about the software or data stored on your computer.
prohibited characters Characters that you think will never occur in a text to be recognized. Specifying prohibited characters increases the speed and quality of OCR.
recognition area An image area that ABBYY FineReader should analyze automatically.
resolution A scanning parameter measured in dots per inch (dpi). Resolution of 300 dpi should be used for texts set in 10 pt fonts and larger, 400 to 600 dpi is preferable for texts of smaller font sizes (9 pt and less).
scanner A device for inputting images into a computer.
scanning mode A scanning parameter that determines whether an image must be scanned in black and white, grayscale, or color.
separators Symbols that can separate words (e.g. /, \, dash) and that are separated by spaces from the words themselves.
serial number A unique number you receive when you purchase the program. It is used during activation.
shortcut menu The menu that appears when you right-click something, such as an area or another part of a document.
support ID The unique identifier of a serial number that contains information about the license and the computer on which it is used. A Support ID provides additional protection and is checked by the technical support staff before providing technical support.
table area An image area that contains data in tabular form. When the program reads this type of area, it draws vertical and horizontal separators inside the area to form a table. This area is then rendered as a table in the output text.
tagged PDF A PDF document that contains information about the document structure, such as its logical parts, pictures, and tables. The structure of a document is encoded in PDF tags. A PDF file with such tags may be reflowed to fit different screen sizes, and will display well on handheld devices.
text area An image area that contains text. Text areas should only contain single-column text.
training The process of establishing a correspondence between a character image and the character itself. See also: If your printed document contains non-standard fonts.
Unicode An international text encoding standard developed by the Unicode Consortium (Unicode, Inc.). The Unicode standard provides an easily extendible 16-bit system for encoding symbols from almost all contemporary languages. It specifies how symbols should be encoded and determines which algorithms and character properties should be used during the encoding process.
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