Saving in PDF

ABBYY FineReader allows you to save entire PDF documents or selected pages. Various saving options are available.

  • To save a PDF document that will allow users to select, copy, and edit its content, click the arrow next to the Save As button on the main toolbar and select Searchable PDF Document. Alternatively, click File > Save As > Save as Searchable PDF Document....

    The document will be saved as a searchable PDF. To change the saving options, click the Options... button in the saving dialog box and select desired saving options on the PDF tab.
  • To save a PDF document that will not allow users to select, copy, and edit its content, click the arrow next to the Save As button on the main toolbar and select Image-Only PDF Document. Alternatively, click File > Save As Save as Image-Only PDF Document....

The document will be saved as an image-only PDF. To change the saving options, click the Options... button in the saving dialog box and select desired saving options on the PDF tab.

To save only some pages of the document, on the PAGES pane, select the pages that you want to save and on the shortcut menu, click Save As > Searchable PDF Document (or Image-Only PDF Document).

You can select additional saving options on the Format Settings > PDF tab of the Options dialog box (click Tools > Options... to open this dialog box).

3/4/2022 7:13:07 AM

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