Data Requirements
The standard way to load data into Timeline is the automatical upload from ABBYY Recording Service. See Data Upload for details.
You can also upload data manually. The requirements for input data that Timeline accepts are described below.
Requirements for Data File, Uploaded Manually
To analyze tasks, ABBYY Timeline uses data recorded by ABBYY Recorder in real time as users interact with their computers. Logs created by ABBYY Recorder include recorded user actions and their associated screenshots. User actions are stored in the text file as a list of events.
When uploading logs manually, create a ZIP-file preserving the certain structure. Prior to uploading logs, archive the Commands and Screenshots folders. By default, logs are saved to %appdata%\ABBYY\Recorder\Recorded.
When creating a ZIP-file, use the Deflate compression method. You will need to use archiving software that supports this method of compression. For example, you can use 7Zip or PeaZip.
For detailed instructions on how to upload data manually, see Data Upload.
Note. Standard Windows archiver does not support Deflate compression method.
9/22/2023 8:59:47 AM