Configuring ABBYY Timeline Repository
To enable ABBYY Timeline to receive and process data from DBMS:
- Open Timeline repository (click View > Repository).
- Go to the Details > Data sources tab and select DBMS CLI tool configuration.
- Click Add configuration.
- In the configuration form, fill in the following fields:
- Connection string
This is a string that passed to a JDBC driver in order to initiate the connection with DBMS.
Examples: - Hortonworks Data Platform 2.6.5
Format: jdbc:hive2://<host>:<port>/<dbName>;<sessionConfs>?<hiveConfs>#<hiveVars>
Example: jdbc:hive2://localhost:2181/;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2
Driver can be downloaded here. - Apache Hive
Format: jdbc:hive2://<host>:<port>/<dbName>;<additionalparameters>
Example: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10001/Testdb;transportMode=http;httpPath=cliservice
Driver can be downloaded here. - Microsoft SQL Server
Format: jdbc:sqlserver://[serverName[\instanceName][:port]][;property=value[;property=value]]Example: jdbc:sqlserver://localhost\SQLEXPRESS:1433;databaseName=Testdb
Connector includes this driver. - Posgresql
Format: jdbc:postgresql://server-name:server-port/database-name
Example: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/Testdb
Connector includes this driver. - Username
Enter username for your DBMS account. - Password
Enter password for your DBMS account. - Query
Enter a string of query to the DBMS to get data. - Repository table name
Enter a name for table in the ABBYY Timeline repository.
Note: Select Keep old data if you need to add a new data and keep the old one in an existing table. - To-do lists
You may specify an existing to-do list.
To-do lists are lists of tasks that need to be performed after the data is filled into the table.
For detailed instructions on configuring to-do list, see 'How to Create To-do List' below. - Save new configuration and you will be able to see token on the top of that form.

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